Hope this is not duplicate and someone can help.
In my code I have a loop which checks state of two reed sensors. Value of those sensors is binded in varaiable “pinState”. Goal is to publish to IFTTT “doorStatus” only when “pinState” chnages, but I get multiple readings/publish.
This is my code:
#define garagePin D1 // ignore the asterisk in the beginning
bool toggle = false;
//int A0 = 0;
//int A1 = 0;
//pin initializations
const int pinReedSensorClosed = A0; // A0 = HIGH - door closed
const int pinReedSensorOpen = A1; // A1 = HIGH - door fully open
const char* STATUS_MESSAGE_UNAVAILABLE = "Status unavailable.";
const char* CLOSED = "Closed";
const char* OPEN = "Open";
const char* MID = "In motion";
const char* message = STATUS_MESSAGE_UNAVAILABLE;
int pinState = 0;
int pinStatePrevious = 0;
int gateToggle(String command);
int checkStatus(String command);
void setup() {
pinMode(pinReedSensorClosed, INPUT_PULLDOWN);
pinMode(pinReedSensorOpen, INPUT_PULLDOWN);
pinMode(garagePin, OUTPUT);
digitalWrite(garagePin, HIGH);
Particle.function("toggleRelay", toggleRelay);
// Particle.function("toggleFoot", toggleFoot);
Particle.function("checkStatus", checkStatus);
Particle.variable("doorStatus", STATUS_MESSAGE_UNAVAILABLE, STRING);
void loop() {
// loop over Reed switchs status to see if doors are open / closed / mid and send when changed to IFTTT
const char* message = STATUS_MESSAGE_UNAVAILABLE;
if(digitalRead(pinReedSensorClosed) ==1 and digitalRead(pinReedSensorOpen) ==0){
pinState = 1;
if(digitalRead(pinReedSensorClosed) ==0 and digitalRead(pinReedSensorOpen) ==1){
pinState = 3;
if(digitalRead(pinReedSensorClosed) ==0 and digitalRead(pinReedSensorOpen) ==0){
pinState = 2;
if(pinState == 1 ) message = CLOSED;
if(pinState == 3 ) message = MID;
if(pinState == 2 ) message = OPEN;
if(pinState != pinStatePrevious) {
Particle.variable("doorStatus", message , STRING);
pinStatePrevious = pinState;
int checkStatus(String command){
// Ritual incantation to convert String into Int
char inputStr[64];
const char* message = STATUS_MESSAGE_UNAVAILABLE;
if(digitalRead(pinReedSensorClosed) ==1 and digitalRead(pinReedSensorOpen) ==0){
message = CLOSED;
if(digitalRead(pinReedSensorClosed) ==0 and digitalRead(pinReedSensorOpen) ==1){
message = OPEN;
if(digitalRead(pinReedSensorClosed) ==0 and digitalRead(pinReedSensorOpen) ==0){
message = MID;
Particle.publish("status", message);
return 1;
int toggleRelay(String command){
// Ritual incantation to convert String into Int
char inputStr[64];
int i = atoi(inputStr);
// Turn the desired relay on
digitalWrite(garagePin, LOW);
digitalWrite(garagePin, HIGH);
toggle = false;
// Respond
return 1;
IFTTT applet: