I’m having an issue with programming a water detection unit. I’m having an issue with coding. I’m still relatively new at it, so I do apologize. I found a project from a guy online that wanted to make a water detection system for his Chickens. I want to do the same thing, but I would like it to tell me when two levels of water are being detected. Like a warning and then a critical alert. My first alert for warning is working and the LED light comes in contact when I make the connection, but the Urgent alert does not. I’d also like to create a check in for every 12 hours just to make sure it’s working. Currently I’m using Pushbullet for this.
Can someone help me figure this out please?
// This #include statement was automatically added by the Particle IDE.
#include "elapsedMillis/elapsedMillis.h"
// This #include statement was automatically added by the Particle IDE.
#include "elapsedMillis/elapsedMillis.h"
String _version = "0.04";
//this reads the flood sensor every 2 seconds
//this defines the frequency of the notifications sent to the user
#define FLOOD_FIRST_ALARM 10000 //10 seconds
#define FLOOD_SECOND_ALARM 60000 //1 minute
#define FLOOD_THIRD_ALARM 300000 //5 minutes
#define FLOOD_FOURTH_ALARM 900000 //15 minutes
#define FLOOD_FIFTH_ALARM 3600000 //1 hour
#define FLOOD_SIXTH_ALARM 14400000 //4 hours - and every 4 hours ever after, until the situation is rectified (ie no more water is detected)
elapsedMillis flood_timer;
elapsedMillis flood_alarm_timer;
int flood_alarm_index = 0;
bool flood_detected = false;
unsigned long flood_next_alarm = 0;
int LED = D7;
void setup() {
pinMode(LED, OUTPUT);
Spark.publish("device starting", "Firmware version: " + _version, 60, PRIVATE);
void loop() {
if ( flood_detected ) {
* Function Name : flood_check
* Description : check water leak sensor at FLOOD_READ_INTERVAL, turns on led on D7 and raises alarm if water is detected
* Return : 0
int flood_check()
if (flood_timer < FLOOD_READ_INTERVAL) {
return 0;
//time is up, so reset timer
flood_timer = 0;
if (digitalRead(FLOOD_SENSOR)) {
//if flood is already detected, no need to do anything, since an alarm will be fired
if (flood_detected){
return 0;
flood_detected = true;
//reset alarm timer
flood_alarm_timer = 0;
//set next alarm
flood_alarm_index = 0;
flood_next_alarm = flood_alarms_array[0];
} else {
flood_detected = false;
return 0;
* Function Name : flood_notify_user
* Description : will fire notifications to user at scheduled intervals
* Return : 0
int flood_notify_user()
if (flood_alarm_timer < flood_next_alarm) {
return 0;
//time is up, so reset timer
flood_alarm_timer = 0;
//set next alarm or just keep current one if there are no more alarms to set
if (flood_alarm_index < arraySize(flood_alarms_array)-1) {
flood_alarm_index = flood_alarm_index + 1;
flood_next_alarm = flood_alarms_array[flood_alarm_index];
//send an alarm to user (this one goes to the dashboard)
Spark.publish(FLOOD_NOTIF, "Chickens need water!", 60, PRIVATE);
//send an alarm to user (this one goes to pushbullet servers)
Spark.publish("pushbullet", "Chickens need water!", 60, PRIVATE);
return 0;