Problem compiling RGBMATRIX lib on Desktop IDE

@ninja118, I am not sure why timing would be an issue. However, make sure the panels have the exact same pinout as the others and that you connect the panel IN and OUT connectors correctly (I know, I have to ask though!). What signals are you level shifting?

Yes, panels have same pinouts (both the old and new panels have the same silkscreen on the back, showing same pinouts, and both old and new panels work on the Teensy 3.2 w/ SmartMatrix shield, without changing any wiring (unplug one, plug in the other). IN and OUT are connected the same way on the working Teensy and non-working Photon.

Am shifting all of the signals (CLK, LAT, A, B, C, D, R1, G1, B1, R2, G2, B2). !OE is being pulled low permanently (per the earlier discussion in this thread about conserving pins).

@ninja118, I have no explanation! Timing is slower than teensy and logic is the same. Have you tried a single panel test?

@peekay123, multiple configurations yield the same frustrating results:

  • single new panel - works with Teensy but not with Photon
  • two new panels chained - work with Teensy but not with Photon
  • new panel (first) chained to old panel (second) - old panel works, but nothing on new panel (only tested on Photon)
  • old panel (first) chained to new panel (second) - old panel works, but nothing on new panel (only tested on Photon)

Any ideas what I should look at next?

@ninja118 can you post of picture of the back of the old and the new panels. Did you get both from Adafruit?

@peekay123, yes, both came from Adafruit. However, I also have other sets from other vendors that exhibit the same behavior ā€“ old ones work, newer ones donā€™t!

Pictures of parts of the old & new are over on this support thread at Adafruit:

@ninja118, if you want to play with timing, there would several places in the ISR to add delays. The ISR cascaded timing would be the first place if you have multiple panels. As it stands, the ā€œtrueā€ ISR timing, which sets both the refresh rate and the binary coded modulation timing is set for a 32x32 panel. Adding more panels will ā€œstarveā€ the Photon since most of the time is spend in the ISRs. Increasing the time between timer interrupts (they are doubles of the previous) would allow more time for the firmware to run. Other timing might include adding a delay to the row shifting in the ISR. I think you get the idea.

@peekay123, I appreciate the vote of confidence :slight_smile:, but you may be expecting more of my ISR editing capabilities than warranted! If youā€™re able to let me know specifically where in the code I should try edits, Iā€™m more than happy to do a bunch of tests.

@ninja118, Iā€™ll take a look tomorrow and see what I can come up with. BTW what is your panel configuration?

Two 32x64 panels chained together, to make a 32x128 matrix.

Really appreciate any further guidance, look forward to hearing back ā€“ thanks @peekay123!

@ninja118, I took a look at the RGBMatrixPanel.cpp code and found the most likely spot to add a timing delay is on the SCLK line. As it stands, the code that clocks the pixel data looks like this:

		pinSetFast(_sclk);		//hi
		pinResetFast(_sclk);	//lo

This produces a very fast (most likely 20-50ns) pulse on the SCLK line. I propose injecting some __NOP() delays (approx 40ns per) between and after the cycle to see if that helps. I also modified the ISR timing to account for multiple panels which increases the row refresh time. All this to say that for you to experiment with this, you will need to replace the RGBMatrixPanel.cpp file with the following one. Iā€™m not sure how you are building your code but that may mean copying the RGBMatrixPanel library locally in order to substitute the .cpp file.

RGBmatrixPanel Arduino library for Adafruit 16x32 and 32x32 RGB LED
matrix panels.  Pick one up at:

This version uses a few tricks to achieve better performance and/or
lower CPU utilization:

- To control LED brightness, traditional PWM is eschewed in favor of
  Binary Code Modulation, which operates through a succession of periods
  each twice the length of the preceeding one (rather than a direct
  linear count a la PWM).  It's explained well here:

  I was initially skeptical, but it works exceedingly well in practice!
  And this uses considerably fewer CPU cycles than software PWM.

- Although many control pins are software-configurable in the user's
  code, a couple things are tied to specific PORT registers.  It's just
  a lot faster this way -- port lookups take time.  Please see the notes
  later regarding wiring on "alternative" Arduino boards.

- A tiny bit of inline assembly language is used in the most speed-
  critical section.  The C++ compiler wasn't making optimal use of the
  instruction set in what seemed like an obvious chunk of code.  Since
  it's only a few short instructions, this loop is also "unrolled" --
  each iteration is stated explicitly, not through a control loop.

Written by Limor Fried/Ladyada & Phil Burgess/PaintYourDragon for
Adafruit Industries.
BSD license, all text above must be included in any redistribution.

#include <SparkIntervalTimer.h>
#include "RGBmatrixPanel.h"
#include "gamma.h"

// A full PORT register is required for the data lines, though only the
// top 6 output bits are used.  For performance reasons, the port # cannot
// be changed via library calls, only by changing constants in the library.
// For similar reasons, the clock pin is only can
// be specified as any pin within a specific PORT register stated below.

#define R1	D0		// bit 2 = RED 1
#define G1	D1		// bit 3 = GREEN 1
#define B1	D2		// bit 4 = BLUE 1
#define R2	D3		// bit 5 = RED 2
#define G2	D4		// bit 6 = GREEN 2
#define B2	D5		// bit 7 = BLUE 2

// Comment out to remove various signal delays
#define SLOW_SCLK

//static const uint16_t	dur[4] = {30, 60, 120, 240};
static uint16_t	dur[4][4] = {	{30, 60, 120, 240},		// 1 panel
								{55, 110, 220, 440},
								{60, 120, 240, 480},
								{70, 140, 280, 560}};	// 4 panels
static uint16_t numPanels;

#define nPlanes 4

//Define hardware IntervalTimer
IntervalTimer refreshTimer;

void refreshISR(void);

// The fact that the display driver interrupt stuff is tied to the
// singular Timer1 doesn't really take well to object orientation with
// multiple RGBmatrixPanel instances.  The solution at present is to
// allow instances, but only one is active at any given time, via its
// begin() method.  The implementation is still incomplete in parts;
// the prior active panel really should be gracefully disabled, and a
// stop() method should perhaps be added...assuming multiple instances
// are even an actual need.
static RGBmatrixPanel *activePanel = NULL;

// Code common to both the 16x32 and 32x32 constructors:
void RGBmatrixPanel::init(uint8_t rows, uint8_t a, uint8_t b, uint8_t c,
  uint8_t sclk, uint8_t latch, uint8_t oe, boolean dbuf, uint8_t width) {

  nRows = rows; // Number of multiplexed rows; actual height is 2X this

  // Allocate and initialize matrix buffer:
  int buffsize  = width * nRows * 3, // x3 = 3 bytes holds 4 planes "packed"
      allocsize = (dbuf == true) ? (buffsize * 2) : buffsize;
  if(NULL == (matrixbuff[0] = (uint8_t *)malloc(allocsize))) return;
  memset(matrixbuff[0], 0, allocsize);
  // If not double-buffered, both buffers then point to the same address:
  matrixbuff[1] = (dbuf == true) ? &matrixbuff[0][buffsize] : matrixbuff[0];
  // Adjust timing for number of panels (and therefore pixels) wide
  numPanels = width/32;

  // Save pin numbers for use by begin() method later.
  _a     = a;
  _b     = b;
  _c     = c;
  _sclk  = sclk;
  _latch = latch;
  _oe    = oe;

  plane     = nPlanes - 1;
  row       = nRows   - 1;
  swapflag  = false;
  backindex = 0;     // Array index of back buffer

// Constructor for 16x32 panel:
  uint8_t a, uint8_t b, uint8_t c,
  uint8_t sclk, uint8_t latch, uint8_t oe, boolean dbuf, uint8_t width) :
  Adafruit_GFX(width, 16) {

  init(8, a, b, c, sclk, latch, oe, dbuf, width);

// Constructor for 32x32 or 32x64 panel:
  uint8_t a, uint8_t b, uint8_t c, uint8_t d,
  uint8_t sclk, uint8_t latch, uint8_t oe, boolean dbuf, uint8_t width) :
  Adafruit_GFX(width, 32) {

  init(16, a, b, c, sclk, latch, oe, dbuf, width);

  // Init a few extra 32x32-specific elements:
  _d        = d;


void RGBmatrixPanel::begin(void) {

  backindex   = 0;                         // Back buffer
  buffptr     = matrixbuff[1 - backindex]; // -> front buffer
  activePanel = this;                      // For interrupt hander

  // Enable all comm & address pins as outputs, set default states:
  pinMode(_sclk , OUTPUT); pinResetFast(_sclk);	//Low
  pinMode(_latch, OUTPUT); pinResetFast(_latch);	//Low
  pinMode(_oe   , OUTPUT); pinSetFast(_oe);		//High  (disable output)
  pinMode(_a    , OUTPUT); pinResetFast(_a);		//Low
  pinMode(_b    , OUTPUT); pinResetFast(_b);		//Low
  pinMode(_c    , OUTPUT); pinResetFast(_c);		//Low
  if(nRows > 8) {
    pinMode(_d  , OUTPUT); pinResetFast(_d);		//Low

  pinMode(R1, OUTPUT); pinResetFast(R1);			//Low
  pinMode(G1, OUTPUT); pinResetFast(G1);			//Low
  pinMode(B1, OUTPUT); pinResetFast(B1);			//Low
  pinMode(R2, OUTPUT); pinResetFast(R2);			//Low
  pinMode(G2, OUTPUT); pinResetFast(G2);			//Low
  pinMode(B2, OUTPUT); pinResetFast(B2);			//Low
  refreshTimer.begin(refreshISR, 200, uSec);

// Original RGBmatrixPanel library used 3/3/3 color.  Later version used
// 4/4/4.  Then Adafruit_GFX (core library used across all Adafruit
// display devices now) standardized on 5/6/5.  The matrix still operates
// internally on 4/4/4 color, but all the graphics functions are written
// to expect 5/6/5...the matrix lib will truncate the color components as
// needed when drawing.  These next functions are mostly here for the
// benefit of older code using one of the original color formats.

// Promote 3/3/3 RGB to Adafruit_GFX 5/6/5
uint16_t RGBmatrixPanel::Color333(uint8_t r, uint8_t g, uint8_t b) {
  // RRRrrGGGgggBBBbb
  return ((r & 0x7) << 13) | ((r & 0x6) << 10) |
         ((g & 0x7) <<  8) | ((g & 0x7) <<  5) |
         ((b & 0x7) <<  2) | ((b & 0x6) >>  1);

// Promote 4/4/4 RGB to Adafruit_GFX 5/6/5
uint16_t RGBmatrixPanel::Color444(uint8_t r, uint8_t g, uint8_t b) {
  return ((r & 0xF) << 12) | ((r & 0x8) << 8) |
         ((g & 0xF) <<  7) | ((g & 0xC) << 3) |
         ((b & 0xF) <<  1) | ((b & 0x8) >> 3);

// Demote 8/8/8 to Adafruit_GFX 5/6/5
// If no gamma flag passed, assume linear color
uint16_t RGBmatrixPanel::Color888(uint8_t r, uint8_t g, uint8_t b) {
  return ((uint16_t)(r & 0xF8) << 8) | ((uint16_t)(g & 0xFC) << 3) | (b >> 3);

// 8/8/8 -> gamma -> 5/6/5
uint16_t RGBmatrixPanel::Color888(
  uint8_t r, uint8_t g, uint8_t b, boolean gflag) {
  if(gflag) { // Gamma-corrected color?
    r = _gamma[r]; // Gamma correction table maps
    g = _gamma[g]; // 8-bit input to 4-bit output
    b = _gamma[b];
    return ((uint16_t)r << 12) | ((uint16_t)(r & 0x8) << 8) | // 4/4/4->5/6/5
           ((uint16_t)g <<  7) | ((uint16_t)(g & 0xC) << 3) |
           (          b <<  1) | (           b        >> 3);
  } // else linear (uncorrected) color
  return ((uint16_t)(r & 0xF8) << 8) | ((uint16_t)(g & 0xFC) << 3) | (b >> 3);

uint16_t RGBmatrixPanel::ColorHSV(
  long hue, uint8_t sat, uint8_t val, boolean gflag) {

  uint8_t  r, g, b, lo;
  uint16_t s1, v1;

  // Hue
  hue %= 1536;             // -1535 to +1535
  if(hue < 0) hue += 1536; //     0 to +1535
  lo = hue & 255;          // Low byte  = primary/secondary color mix
  switch(hue >> 8) {       // High byte = sextant of colorwheel
    case 0 : r = 255     ; g =  lo     ; b =   0     ; break; // R to Y
    case 1 : r = 255 - lo; g = 255     ; b =   0     ; break; // Y to G
    case 2 : r =   0     ; g = 255     ; b =  lo     ; break; // G to C
    case 3 : r =   0     ; g = 255 - lo; b = 255     ; break; // C to B
    case 4 : r =  lo     ; g =   0     ; b = 255     ; break; // B to M
    default: r = 255     ; g =   0     ; b = 255 - lo; break; // M to R

  // Saturation: add 1 so range is 1 to 256, allowig a quick shift operation
  // on the result rather than a costly divide, while the type upgrade to int
  // avoids repeated type conversions in both directions.
  s1 = sat + 1;
  r  = 255 - (((255 - r) * s1) >> 8);
  g  = 255 - (((255 - g) * s1) >> 8);
  b  = 255 - (((255 - b) * s1) >> 8);

  // Value (brightness) & 16-bit color reduction: similar to above, add 1
  // to allow shifts, and upgrade to int makes other conversions implicit.
  v1 = val + 1;
  if(gflag) { // Gamma-corrected color?
    r = _gamma[(r * v1) >> 8]; // Gamma correction table maps
    g = _gamma[(g * v1) >> 8]; // 8-bit input to 4-bit output
    b = _gamma[(b * v1) >> 8];
  } else { // linear (uncorrected) color
    r = (r * v1) >> 12; // 4-bit results
    g = (g * v1) >> 12;
    b = (b * v1) >> 12;
  return (r << 12) | ((r & 0x8) << 8) | // 4/4/4 -> 5/6/5
         (g <<  7) | ((g & 0xC) << 3) |
         (b <<  1) | ( b        >> 3);

void RGBmatrixPanel::drawPixel(int16_t x, int16_t y, uint16_t c) {
  uint8_t r, g, b, bit, limit, *ptr;

  if((x < 0) || (x >= _width) || (y < 0) || (y >= _height)) return;

  switch(rotation) {
   case 1:
    swap(x, y);
    x = WIDTH  - 1 - x;
   case 2:
    x = WIDTH  - 1 - x;
    y = HEIGHT - 1 - y;
   case 3:
    swap(x, y);
    y = HEIGHT - 1 - y;

  // Adafruit_GFX uses 16-bit color in 5/6/5 format, while matrix needs
  // 4/4/4.  Pluck out relevant bits while separating into R,G,B:
  r =  c >> 12;        // RRRRrggggggbbbbb
  g = (c >>  7) & 0xF; // rrrrrGGGGggbbbbb
  b = (c >>  1) & 0xF; // rrrrrggggggBBBBb

  // Loop counter stuff
  bit   = 2;
  limit = 1 << nPlanes;

  if(y < nRows) {
    // Data for the upper half of the display is stored in the lower
    // bits of each byte.
    ptr = &matrixbuff[backindex][y * WIDTH * (nPlanes - 1) + x]; // Base addr
    // Plane 0 is a tricky case -- its data is spread about,
    // stored in least two bits not used by the other planes.
    ptr[WIDTH*2] &= ~0B00000011;           // Plane 0 R,G mask out in one op
    if(r & 1) ptr[WIDTH*2] |=  0B00000001; // Plane 0 R: 64 bytes ahead, bit 0
    if(g & 1) ptr[WIDTH*2] |=  0B00000010; // Plane 0 G: 64 bytes ahead, bit 1
    if(b & 1) ptr[WIDTH]   |=  0B00000001; // Plane 0 B: 32 bytes ahead, bit 0
    else      ptr[WIDTH]   &= ~0B00000001; // Plane 0 B unset; mask out
    // The remaining three image planes are more normal-ish.
    // Data is stored in the high 6 bits so it can be quickly
    // copied to the DATAPORT register w/6 output lines.
    for(; bit < limit; bit <<= 1) {
      *ptr &= ~0B00011100;            // Mask out R,G,B in one op
      if(r & bit) *ptr |= 0B00000100; // Plane N R: bit 2
      if(g & bit) *ptr |= 0B00001000; // Plane N G: bit 3
      if(b & bit) *ptr |= 0B00010000; // Plane N B: bit 4
      ptr  += WIDTH;                 // Advance to next bit plane
  } else {
    // Data for the lower half of the display is stored in the upper
    // bits, except for the plane 0 stuff, using 2 least bits.
    ptr = &matrixbuff[backindex][(y - nRows) * WIDTH * (nPlanes - 1) + x];
    *ptr &= ~0B00000011;                  // Plane 0 G,B mask out in one op
    if(r & 1)  ptr[WIDTH] |=  0B00000010; // Plane 0 R: 32 bytes ahead, bit 1
    else       ptr[WIDTH] &= ~0B00000010; // Plane 0 R unset; mask out
    if(g & 1) *ptr        |=  0B00000001; // Plane 0 G: bit 0
    if(b & 1) *ptr        |=  0B00000010; // Plane 0 B: bit 0
    for(; bit < limit; bit <<= 1) {
      *ptr &= ~0B11100000;            // Mask out R,G,B in one op
      if(r & bit) *ptr |= 0B00100000; // Plane N R: bit 5
      if(g & bit) *ptr |= 0B01000000; // Plane N G: bit 6
      if(b & bit) *ptr |= 0B10000000; // Plane N B: bit 7
      ptr  += WIDTH;                 // Advance to next bit plane

void RGBmatrixPanel::fillScreen(uint16_t c) {
  if((c == 0x0000) || (c == 0xffff)) {
    // For black or white, all bits in frame buffer will be identically
    // set or unset (regardless of weird bit packing), so it's OK to just
    // quickly memset the whole thing:
    memset(matrixbuff[backindex], c, WIDTH * nRows * 3);
  } else {
    // Otherwise, need to handle it the long way:

// Return address of back buffer -- can then load/store data directly
uint8_t *RGBmatrixPanel::backBuffer() {
  return matrixbuff[backindex];

// For smooth animation -- drawing always takes place in the "back" buffer;
// this method pushes it to the "front" for display.  Passing "true", the
// updated display contents are then copied to the new back buffer and can
// be incrementally modified.  If "false", the back buffer then contains
// the old front buffer contents -- your code can either clear this or
// draw over every pixel.  (No effect if double-buffering is not enabled.)
void RGBmatrixPanel::swapBuffers(boolean copy) {
  if(matrixbuff[0] != matrixbuff[1]) {
    // To avoid 'tearing' display, actual swap takes place in the interrupt
    // handler, at the end of a complete screen refresh cycle.
    swapflag = true;                  // Set flag here, then...
    while(swapflag == true) delay(1); // wait for interrupt to clear it
    if(copy == true)
      memcpy(matrixbuff[backindex], matrixbuff[1-backindex], WIDTH * nRows * 3);

// Dump display contents to the Serial Monitor, adding some formatting to
// simplify copy-and-paste of data as a PROGMEM-embedded image for another
// sketch.  If using multiple dumps this way, you'll need to edit the
// output to change the 'img' name for each.  Data can then be loaded
// back into the display using a pgm_read_byte() loop.
void RGBmatrixPanel::dumpMatrix(void) {

  int i, buffsize = WIDTH * nRows * 3;

    "static const uint8_t PROGMEM img[] = {\n  "));

  for(i=0; i<buffsize; i++) {
    if(matrixbuff[backindex][i] < 0x10) Serial.write('0');
    if(i < (buffsize - 1)) {
      if((i & 7) == 7) Serial.print(F(",\n  "));
      else             Serial.write(',');

// -------------------- Interrupt handler stuff --------------------
void refreshISR(void)
  activePanel->updateDisplay();   // Call refresh func for active display

// Two constants are used in timing each successive BCM interval.
// These were found empirically, by checking the value of TCNT1 at
// certain positions in the interrupt code.
// CALLOVERHEAD is the number of CPU 'ticks' from the timer overflow
// condition (triggering the interrupt) to the first line in the
// updateDisplay() method.  It's then assumed (maybe not entirely 100%
// accurately, but close enough) that a similar amount of time will be
// needed at the opposite end, restoring regular program flow.
// LOOPTIME is the number of 'ticks' spent inside the shortest data-
// issuing loop (not actually a 'loop' because it's unrolled, but eh).
// Both numbers are rounded up slightly to allow a little wiggle room
// should different compilers produce slightly different results.
#define CALLOVERHEAD 60   // Actual value measured = 56
#define LOOPTIME     200  // Actual value measured = 188
// The "on" time for bitplane 0 (with the shortest BCM interval) can
// then be estimated as LOOPTIME + CALLOVERHEAD * 2.  Each successive
// bitplane then doubles the prior amount of time.  We can then
// estimate refresh rates from this:
// 4 bitplanes = 320 + 640 + 1280 + 2560 = 4800 ticks per row.
// 4800 ticks * 16 rows (for 32x32 matrix) = 76800 ticks/frame.
// 16M CPU ticks/sec / 76800 ticks/frame = 208.33 Hz.
// Actual frame rate will be slightly less due to work being done
// during the brief "LEDs off"'s reasonable to say
// "about 200 Hz."  The 16x32 matrix only has to scan half as many
// we could either double the refresh rate (keeping the CPU
// load the same), or keep the same refresh rate but halve the CPU
// load.  We opted for the latter.
// Can also estimate CPU use: bitplanes 1-3 all use 320 ticks to
// issue data (the increasing gaps in the timing invervals are then
// available to other code), and bitplane 0 takes 920 ticks out of
// the 2560 tick interval.
// 320 * 3 + 920 = 1880 ticks spent in interrupt code, per row.
// From prior calculations, about 4800 ticks happen per row.
// CPU use = 1880 / 4800 = ~39% (actual use will be very slightly
// higher, again due to code used in the LEDs off interval).
// 16x32 matrix uses about half that CPU load.  CPU time could be
// further adjusted by padding the LOOPTIME value, but refresh rates
// will decrease proportionally, and 200 Hz is a decent target.

// The flow of the interrupt can be awkward to grasp, because data is
// being issued to the LED matrix for the *next* bitplane and/or row
// while the *current* plane/row is being shown.  As a result, the
// counter variables change between past/present/future tense in mid-
// function...hopefully tenses are sufficiently commented.

void RGBmatrixPanel::updateDisplay(void) {
  uint8_t  i, *ptr;
  uint16_t duration, pins;

  pinSetFast(_oe);			// Disable LED output during row/plane switchover
  pinSetFast(_latch);		// Latch data loaded during *prior* interrupt
  pinResetFast(_sclk);		// Start the clock LOW

  // Get the time to next interrupt
  duration = dur[numPanels][plane];
  // Borrowing a technique here from Ray's Logic:
  // This code cycles through all four planes for each scanline before
  // advancing to the next line.  While it might seem beneficial to
  // advance lines every time and interleave the planes to reduce
  // vertical scanning artifacts, in practice with this panel it causes
  // a green 'ghosting' effect on black pixels, a much worse artifact.

  if(++plane >= nPlanes) {      // Advance plane counter.  Maxed out?
    plane = 0;                  // Yes, reset to plane 0, and
    if(++row >= nRows) {        // advance row counter.  Maxed out?
      row     = 0;              // Yes, reset row counter, then...
      if(swapflag == true) {    // Swap front/back buffers if requested
        backindex = 1 - backindex;
        swapflag  = false;
      buffptr = matrixbuff[1-backindex]; // Reset into front buffer
  } else if(plane == 1) {
    // Plane 0 was loaded on prior interrupt invocation and is about to
    // latch now, so update the row address lines before we do that:

    (row & 0x1) ? pinSetFast(_a) : pinResetFast(_a);
    (row & 0x2) ? pinSetFast(_b) : pinResetFast(_b);
    (row & 0x4) ? pinSetFast(_c) : pinResetFast(_c);
    if(nRows > 8) {
      (row & 0x8) ? pinSetFast(_d) : pinResetFast(_d);

  // buffptr, being 'volatile' type, doesn't take well to optimization.
  // A local register copy can speed some things up:
  ptr = (uint8_t *)buffptr;

  // RESET timer duration
  refreshTimer.resetPeriod_SIT(duration, uSec);

  pinResetFast(_oe);		// Re-enable output
  pinResetFast(_latch);		// Latch down

  if(plane > 0) {

    // Planes 1-3 must be unpacked and bit-banged
    for (uint8_t i=0; i < WIDTH; i++) {
		(ptr[i] & 0x04) ? pinSetFast(R1) : pinResetFast(R1); 	//R1
		(ptr[i] & 0x08) ? pinSetFast(G1) : pinResetFast(G1);	//G1
		(ptr[i] & 0x10) ? pinSetFast(B1) : pinResetFast(B1); 	//B1
		(ptr[i] & 0x20) ? pinSetFast(R2) : pinResetFast(R2);	 //R2
		(ptr[i] & 0x40) ? pinSetFast(G2) : pinResetFast(G2);	 //G2
		(ptr[i] & 0x80) ? pinSetFast(B2) : pinResetFast(B2);	 //B2
		pinSetFast(_sclk);		//hi
#ifdef SLOW_SCLK
		__NOP();	// approx 40ns delay
		pinResetFast(_sclk);	//lo
#ifdef SLOW_SCLK
		__NOP();	// approx 40ns delay

    buffptr += WIDTH;

  } else {
    // Plane 0 has its data packed into the 2 least bits not
    // used by the other planes.  This works because the unpacking and
    // output for plane 0 is handled while plane 3 is being displayed...
    // because binary coded modulation is used (not PWM), that plane
    // has the longest display interval, so the extra work fits.

	for(i=0; i<WIDTH; i++) {
		uint8_t bits = ( ptr[i] << 6) | ((ptr[i+WIDTH] << 4) & 0x30) | ((ptr[i+WIDTH*2] << 2) & 0x0C);
		(bits & 0x04) ? pinSetFast(R1) : pinResetFast(R1);		//R1
		(bits & 0x08) ? pinSetFast(G1) : pinResetFast(G1);		//G1
		(bits & 0x10) ? pinSetFast(B1) : pinResetFast(B1);		//B1
		(bits & 0x20) ? pinSetFast(R2) : pinResetFast(R2);		//R2
		(bits & 0x40) ? pinSetFast(G2) : pinResetFast(G2);		//G2
		(bits & 0x80) ? pinSetFast(B2) : pinResetFast(B2);		//B2
		pinSetFast(_sclk);		//hi
#ifdef SLOW_SCLK
		__NOP();	// approx 40ns delay
		pinResetFast(_sclk);	//lo
#ifdef SLOW_SCLK
		__NOP();	// approx 40ns delay

Your notice these lines near the top of the file:

// Comment out to remove various signal delays
#define SLOW_SCLK

Commenting out the #define will disable the delays. The delays are implemented near the bottom of the file and look like this:

		pinSetFast(_sclk);		//hi
#ifdef SLOW_SCLK
		__NOP();	// approx 40ns delay
		pinResetFast(_sclk);	//lo
#ifdef SLOW_SCLK
		__NOP();	// approx 40ns delay

If this still doesnā€™t work, try adding more __NOP(); lines to increase the delays.

With the 32x128 configuration, you may find the display flickers due to the row refresh timing requirements. I havenā€™t tried a x128, only a x96. Let me know how it goes!

Hi @peekay123, have completed some testing, so far without success. :frowning:

I am using the desktop IDE, with RGBMATRIX copied local.

I found I needed to change this line of code:
duration = dur[numPanels][plane];

to this:
duration = dur[numPanels - 1][plane];

I used the following simple test app (the extra stuff with the OE line is due to the restricted set of pins we are working with, as mentioned earlier in this thread ā€“ the three places the OE line is referenced in the library are commented out). That has all been working fine on the old panels, so presumably the OE line, being held low all the time, is unrelated to this old/new panel issue.

The test app works fine with the old panels (including when I hard code numPanels to 1, vs. its calculated 4 at our 128 width ā€“ no flicker visible then).

However, with the new panels, it doesnā€™t work. Varying types of lines appear (based on number of NOP() calls introduced, but not the desired text.

Hereā€™s the simple test app:

 #include "RGBmatrixPanel.h"

 #define CLK D6
 #define LAT TX
 #define A   A0
 #define B   A1
 #define C   A2
 #define D   RX

RGBmatrixPanel matrix(A, B, C, D, CLK, LAT, OE, true, 128);

#include <SparkFunSX1509.h>
const byte SX1509_ADDRESS_1 = 0x3E;
SX1509 io1;

void setup() {
  const byte SX1509_DISPOE_PIN = 13; // Low enables display

  if (!io1.begin(SX1509_ADDRESS_1)) {
    while (1);
  io1.pinMode(SX1509_DISPOE_PIN, OUTPUT); // display output enable (active low)
  io1.digitalWrite(SX1509_DISPOE_PIN, LOW); // Enable the display!


  matrix.setCursor(0, 0);



void loop() {

Iā€™ve tried with #define SLOW_SCLK undefined, and also with it defined when inserting various numbers of NOP()s, as in:

  if(plane > 0) {

    // Planes 1-3 must be unpacked and bit-banged
    for (uint8_t i=0; i < WIDTH; i++) {
		(ptr[i] & 0x04) ? pinSetFast(R1) : pinResetFast(R1); 	//R1
		(ptr[i] & 0x08) ? pinSetFast(G1) : pinResetFast(G1);	//G1
		(ptr[i] & 0x10) ? pinSetFast(B1) : pinResetFast(B1); 	//B1
		(ptr[i] & 0x20) ? pinSetFast(R2) : pinResetFast(R2);	 //R2
		(ptr[i] & 0x40) ? pinSetFast(G2) : pinResetFast(G2);	 //G2
		(ptr[i] & 0x80) ? pinSetFast(B2) : pinResetFast(B2);	 //B2
		pinSetFast(_sclk);		//hi
#ifdef SLOW_SCLK
		__NOP();	// approx 40ns delay
    __NOP();  // approx 40ns delay
    __NOP();  // approx 40ns delay
    __NOP();  // approx 40ns delay
		pinResetFast(_sclk);	//lo
#ifdef SLOW_SCLK
    __NOP();  // approx 40ns delay
    __NOP();  // approx 40ns delay
    __NOP();  // approx 40ns delay
		__NOP();	// approx 40ns delay

    buffptr += WIDTH;

  } else {
    // Plane 0 has its data packed into the 2 least bits not
    // used by the other planes.  This works because the unpacking and
    // output for plane 0 is handled while plane 3 is being displayed...
    // because binary coded modulation is used (not PWM), that plane
    // has the longest display interval, so the extra work fits.

	for(i=0; i<WIDTH; i++) {
		uint8_t bits = ( ptr[i] << 6) | ((ptr[i+WIDTH] << 4) & 0x30) | ((ptr[i+WIDTH*2] << 2) & 0x0C);
		(bits & 0x04) ? pinSetFast(R1) : pinResetFast(R1);		//R1
		(bits & 0x08) ? pinSetFast(G1) : pinResetFast(G1);		//G1
		(bits & 0x10) ? pinSetFast(B1) : pinResetFast(B1);		//B1
		(bits & 0x20) ? pinSetFast(R2) : pinResetFast(R2);		//R2
		(bits & 0x40) ? pinSetFast(G2) : pinResetFast(G2);		//G2
		(bits & 0x80) ? pinSetFast(B2) : pinResetFast(B2);		//B2
		pinSetFast(_sclk);		//hi
#ifdef SLOW_SCLK
    __NOP();  // approx 40ns delay
    __NOP();  // approx 40ns delay
    __NOP();  // approx 40ns delay
		__NOP();	// approx 40ns delay
		pinResetFast(_sclk);	//lo
#ifdef SLOW_SCLK
    __NOP();  // approx 40ns delay
    __NOP();  // approx 40ns delay
    __NOP();  // approx 40ns delay
		__NOP();	// approx 40ns delay

Iā€™ve tried the above (4 NOP() calls) plus also 2 and the (original from you) 1 call. Each produces slightly different sets of lines on the display, but not the correct text output.

Next tests??

@ninja118, can you post a video (or link) of what the panels are doing? Can you also post a picture of your wiring between the photon board and the first panel?

@peekay123, here are the various tests, each with (2) 32x64 panels chained (32x128).

All screen shots running the same test app above, but with the various parameter tweaks described below.

All tests done with dbuf=true, and swapBuffers(copy=true).

First, the two old panels. They work fine with or without the delay code, and also with numPanels all the way at the calculated 4 (when more flickering is noticeable), but also even when numPanels is hard coded at 1 (no noticeable flicker). Hereā€™s what it looks like (i.e., what weā€™re trying to achieve with the new panels):

(this screen shot happened to be when running with numPanels=1, SLOW_SCLK w/ 4 NOP(), but works great in all other configurations (e.g., numPanels=4 and/or SLOW_SCLK NOT defined (i.e. zero NOP))

All of the next screen shots are with identical physical connections (that is, an old panel on the left, and a new panel on the right). Note that the signal is first going to the New panel (where it does not display correctly), and then chaining into the old panel (where it does display correctly).

Apologies for the seemingly random order (wanted to maintain my sanity with tracking the images with the tests).

First test with old & new panel, below (numPanels=1, SLOW_SCLK w/ 4 NOP) ā€“ note the single vertical line in the rightmost column of the new panel):

Next test with old & new panel (numPanels=1, NOT slow (0 NOP)):

Next test with old & new panel (numPanels=4, SLOW_SCLK w/ 4 NOP):

Next test with old & new panel (SLOW_SCLK w/ 2 NOP):

Next test with old & new panel (SLOW_SCLK w/ 1 NOP):

Next test with old & new panel (numPanels=4, NOT slow (0 NOP)):

And hereā€™s the wiring schematic (photon output going through 74AHCT245 level shifters; with panel OE being held low by other circuitry not shown):


@ninja118, can you post a closeup of the back of an old panel and a new panel. Also can you post a video of the ā€œold and new (SLOW_SCLK w/1 NOP)ā€. Also, a picture of the photon board and connection to the first panel please.

Took a video, but looks like I canā€™t add it here ā€“ let me know if you have a preferred way to receive it. As a preview, however, the patterns arenā€™t moving in any of the tests above. Aside from some flicker (which goes away if numPanels is fixed at 1), the images above all remain static. But let me know if you still need the video.

Meanwhile, here are the photos of the part number sections of the panels.

Old panel (works):

New panel (doesnā€™t work):

Youā€™ll note there is at least a slight difference in the lower right corner of each of these photos.

New panel, full picture:

Finally, Iā€™ve got a collection of these new, troublesome panels. Can I send one to you?

@ninja118, have you tried a single NEW panel? I noticed you did a bitscope trace but I canā€™t make out the timing. Sending me a panel would be very useful for sure. Iā€™m going to have to break out my logic analyzer to get the timing of a working panel (I have two 32x32 panels I can chain) and then see what I can tweak for the new panel.

Single new panel looks just like new panel in above chained tests.

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@ninja118, BINGO!!! I found the problem! It turns out to be a problem with the way the panel count was done. Iā€™ll update the IDE library and repost.

UPDATE: Fixed library now updated on IDE :wink:

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Awesome!! Have you had success with two panels chained together?