Edit I figured out my problem, see my post below
I am having a very odd problem indeed! I can’t seem to cast data correctly. Here is my code
// Converts a 12 bit value (i.e. one taken from I2c) to a signed value
#define SIGN_12(value) (((value) bitand 0x7FF) + (((value) bitand 0x800) << 4))
void setup(){
void loop(){
uint16_t ui12 = 0xFFF;
int16_t out;
Serial.print(ui12); Serial.write('\t'); Serial.print(ui12, BIN);
ui12 = SIGN_12(ui12);
Serial.write('\t'); Serial.print(ui12, BIN);
out = (int16_t) ui12;
Serial.write('\t'); Serial.print(out, BIN);
Serial.write('\t'); Serial.print(out);
I’m getting this as the output
4095 111111111111 1000011111111111 11111111111111111000011111111111 -30721
- it starts as 4095
- You can see the binary looks correct
- the MSB is then moved to the left by 4 places, so that it is now at the MSB for an integer. (should be negative 2044 or something)
- when it is cast as an int16_t, everything goes haywire.
From everything I know about casting, this is completely wrong! Any thoughts would be helpful
I just realized, it is treating it like it’s a 32 bit integer! This is a pretty serious bug, correct?
It seems I have to go back to school and don’t know how to convert data to a signed integer… stay tuned…