What happened to the power shield?
I don’t find it in the store… Only the SparkFun one… Is this is the official one?
What happened to the power shield?
I don’t find it in the store… Only the SparkFun one… Is this is the official one?
There was an official statement of Steph.
But as I’ve just seen that post was deleted by @corey for some reason, so I’ll let him have the honour to give an official statement
Alright then I guess there is drama involved! Drum Roll!!!
I think the deletion was a mishap, so I guess it’s OK to repost @Steph’s original statement
You’re right, the Power Shield did disappear from the store. It is completely temporary while we make sure that we have our ecommerce platform set up to match the shipping specifications that are required due to the inclusion of a battery. We have to ship and certain ways (i.e. UPS) and we want to make sure that we’re able to be clear and transparent about it to customers before making it live again. We’re working on a big new ecommerce switch so keep your eyes out for that in the next week or so.
Thanks so much for your interest and patience!!
Steph’s original statement is correct! Sparkfun is currently selling their version of powershields as our store goes under some maintenance and overhauling. The “Particle Branded” powershield should be up once we get everything squared away.
Thank you @corey Question… What are the major differences between the two products? (SF vs Particle)?
to the best of my knowledge they are basicallly the same product.
@corey & @frlobo: Sorry to contradict, while they do use the same controler chip they are not the same product.
There was already a question about this - I’ll try to find it and post back.
Edit: Found it
Particle Battery Shield vs SparkFun Battery Shield
The last batch of the Particle Power Shields was shipped with a 2000mAh/7.4Wh LiPo
One other difference I see (but can’t confirm, since I’ve not got a SparkFun one) is, that the Particle shield does have its own micro USB connector for charging but can’t charge the battery via the Photon’s/Core’s USB. The SparkFun one seems to do it via the device too.
The Particle one comes with not-presoldered long pin headers which allow to have the Shiled with Device plugged into a breadboard, while the SparkFun has already soldered standard headers.
I have received my Power Shield however am battling to find the design circuit used for the item. Does anyone know where this is somewhere on the interwebs? Also I read somewhere that the DEEP SLEEP didn’t work with the Power Shield, is this still the case?
The shields open source can be found here
Hi @frlobo
Those are not zener diodes but schottky diodes instead. That part acts like an OR gate for power, letting either the +5V supply or the USB_POWER supply power to the common connection.
Thank you BKO. Appreciated!