I have the following code running on an Arduino Uno but would really like it running on a Photon as I need to get the data output in to a database on a raspberry pi. I think the main issues are how the interupts work and the fact that the sketch is referencing some registers that will be specific to the Arduino.
#include <Wire.h>
//Interface Definitions
int RxPin = 8; //The number of signal from the Rx
// Variables for Manchester Receiver Logic:
word sDelay = 280; //Small Delay about 1/4 of bit duration try like 250 to 500
word lDelay = 560; //Long Delay about 1/2 of bit duration try like 500 to 1000, 1/4 + 1/2 = 3/4
byte polarity = 1; //0 for lo->hi==1 or 1 for hi->lo==1 for Polarity, sets tempBit at start
byte tempBit = 1; //Reflects the required transition polarity
byte discards = 0; //how many leading "bits" need to be dumped, usually just a zero if anything eg discards=1
byte discNos = 0; //Counter for the Discards
boolean firstZero = false; //has it processed the first zero yet? This a "sync" bit.
boolean noErrors = true; //flags if signal does not follow Manchester conventions
//variables for Header detection
byte headerBits = 15; //The number of ones expected to make a valid header
byte headerHits = 0; //Counts the number of "1"s to determine a header
//Variables for Byte storage
byte dataByte = 0; //Accumulates the bit information
byte nosBits = 0; //Counts to 8 bits within a dataByte
byte maxBytes = 9; //Set the bytes collected after each header. NB if set too high, any end noise will cause an error
byte nosBytes = 0; //Counter stays within 0 -> maxBytes
//Bank array for packet (at least one will be needed)
byte manchester[12]; //Stores manchester pattern decoded on the fly
//Oregon bit pattern, causes nibble rotation to the right, ABCDabcd becomes DCBAdcba
byte oregon[] = {
16, 32, 64, 128, 1, 2, 4, 8
byte csIndex = 0; //counter for nibbles needed for checksum
//Weather Variables
byte quadrant = 0; //used to look up 16 positions around the compass rose
double avWindspeed = 0.0;
double gustWindspeed = 0.0; //now used for general anemometer readings rather than avWindspeed
float rainTotal = 0.0;
float rainRate = 0.0;
double temperature = 0.0;
int humidity = 0;
double intTemp = 0;
double intHumi = 0;
double intPres = 0;
byte intSolar = 0; //eg Solar power
byte intLightning = 0; //eg Lightning Strikes
byte intUV = 0; //eg UV Light Levels
const char windDir[16][4] = {
"N ", "NNE", "NE ", "ENE", "E ", "ESE", "SE ", "SSE", "S ", "SSW", "SW ", "WSW", "W ", "WNW", "NW ", "NNW"
byte scan = 0; // &7!=0 means that all three sensors has been detected, so it reports all three with meaningful figures first up (not the latest addition though)
byte seconds = 0; // Counter to trigger the 60 seconds worth of data.
byte batStat = 0; // bit1= temp, bit2=wind bit3=rain, bit4=exp if true then that sensor has not been logged for 20 minutes, its battery probably getting flat
byte logTemp = 0; // Counter for number of minutes a sensor reading is missed
byte logWind = 0; // Counter for number of minutes a sensor reading is missed
byte logRain = 0; // Counter for number of minutes a sensor reading is missed
byte logUV = 0; // Counter for number of minutes a sensor reading is missed
byte logExp = 0; // Counter for number of minutes a sensor reading is missed
int aday = 0; // Counts the number of minutes in a day and clears battery status every 24hrs
void setup() {
pinMode(RxPin, INPUT);
// Enable these if attempting to debug the program or the circuit
Serial.println("Debug Manchester Version 18");
Serial.print("Using a delay of 1/4 bitWaveform ");
Serial.print(" uSecs 1/2 bitWaveform ");
Serial.println(" uSecs ");
if (polarity){
Serial.println("Negative Polarity hi->lo=1");
Serial.println("Positive Polarity lo->hi=1");
Serial.println(" bits expected for a valid header");
if (discards){
Serial.println(" leading bits discarded from Packet");
Serial.println("All bits inside the Packet");
Serial.println("D 00 00001111 01 22223333 02 44445555 03 66667777 04 88889999 05 AAAABBBB 06 CCCCDDDD 07 EEEEFFFF 08 00001111 09 22223333 0A 44445555");
//Tutorial on using the BMP05 Press/Temp transducer https://www.sparkfun.com/tutorials/253
// Initialize Timer1 for a 1 second interrupt
// Thanks to http://www.engblaze.com/ for this section, see their Interrupt Tutorial
cli(); // disable global interrupts
TCCR1A = 0; // set entire TCCR1A register to 0
TCCR1B = 0; // same for TCCR1B
// set compare match register to desired timer count:
OCR1A = 15624;
// turn on CTC mode:
TCCR1B |= (1 << WGM12);
// Set CS10 and CS12 bits for 1024 prescaler:
TCCR1B |= (1 << CS10);
TCCR1B |= (1 << CS12);
// enable timer compare interrupt:
TIMSK1 |= (1 << OCIE1A);
// enable global interrupts:
//Routine Driven by Interrupt, trap 1 second interrupts, and output every minute
if (seconds == 60) { //make 60 for each output
seconds = 0;
//Serial.print("One second ...");
//usbData();//comment this out to temporarily disable data every minute for debug
} //end of interrupt routine
// Main routines, find header, then sync in with it, get a packet, and decode data in it, plus report any errors.
void loop() {
tempBit = polarity ^ 1;
noErrors = true;
firstZero = false;
headerHits = 0;
nosBits = 0;
maxBytes = 15; //too big for any known OS signal
nosBytes = 0;
discNos = discards;
manchester[0] = 0;
while (noErrors && (nosBytes < maxBytes)) {
while (digitalRead(RxPin) != tempBit) {
if (digitalRead(RxPin) != tempBit) {
noErrors = false;
else {
byte bitState = tempBit ^ polarity;
if (digitalRead(RxPin) == tempBit) {
tempBit = tempBit ^ 1;
if (bitState == 1) {
if (!firstZero) {
if (headerHits == headerBits) {
else {
else {
if (headerHits < headerBits) {
noErrors = false;
else {
if ((!firstZero) && (headerHits >= headerBits)) {
firstZero = true;
void add(byte bitData) {
if (discNos > 0) {
discNos--;//discard bits before real data
else {
//the incoming bitstream has bytes placed in reversed nibble order on the fly, then the CS is done.
if (bitData) {
//if it is a '1' OR it in, others leave at a '0'
manchester[nosBytes] |= oregon[nosBits];//places the reversed low nibble, with hi nibble, on the fly!!!
//Oregon Scientific sensors have specific packet lengths
//Maximum bytes for each sensor must set once the sensor has been detected.
if (manchester[0] == 0xA1) {
maxBytes = 10; //wind
csIndex = 18;
if (manchester[0] == 0xAF) {
maxBytes = 9; //temp
csIndex = 16;
//Pack the bits into 8bit bytes
if (nosBits == 8) {
nosBits = 0;
manchester[nosBytes] = 0; //next byte to 0 to accumulate data
//Check the bytes for a valid packet once maxBytes received
if (nosBytes == maxBytes) {
//Check Checksum first
if (ValidCS(csIndex)) {
//Process the byte array into Human readable numbers
noErrors = false; //make it begin again from the start
//Useful to invoke to debug the byte Array
void hexBinDump() {
//Serial.println("T A3 10100011 07 00000111 02 00000010 AA 10101010 F0 11110000 06 00000110 FF 11111111 07 00000111 33 00110011 60 01100000");
Serial.print("D ");
for ( int i = 0; i < maxBytes; i++) {
byte mask = B10000000;
if (manchester[i] < 16) {
Serial.print(manchester[i], HEX);
Serial.print(" ");
for (int k = 0; k < 8; k++) {
if (manchester[i] & mask) {
else {
mask = mask >> 1;
Serial.print(" ");
//Support Routines for Nybbles and CheckSum
// http://www.lostbyte.com/Arduino-OSV3/ (9) brian@lostbyte.com
// Directly lifted, then modified from Brian's work. Now nybble's bits are pre-processed into standard order, ie MSNybble + LSNybble
// CS = the sum of nybbles, 1 to (CSpos-1), then compared to CSpos nybble (LSNybble) and CSpos+1 nybble (MSNybble);
// This sums the nybbles in the packet and creates a 1 byte number, and this is compared to the two nybbles beginning at CSpos
// Note that Temp 9 bytes and anemometer 10 bytes, but rainfall uses 11 bytes per packet. (NB Rainfall CS spans a byte boundary)
bool ValidCS(int CSPos) {
boolean ok = false;
byte cs = 0;
for (int x = 1; x < CSPos; x++) {
byte test = nyb(x);
cs += test;
//do it by nybbles as some CS's cross the byte boundaries eg rainfall
byte check1 = nyb(CSPos);
byte check2 = nyb(CSPos + 1);
byte check = (check2 << 4) + check1;
if (manchester[0]==0xA2){
Serial.print(check1,HEX); //dump out the LSNybble Checksum
Serial.print("(LSB), ");
Serial.print(check2,HEX); //dump out the MSNybble Checksum
Serial.print("(MSB), ");
Serial.print(check,HEX); //dump out the Rx'ed predicted byte Checksum
Serial.print("(combined), calculated = ");
Serial.println(cs,HEX); //dump out the calculated byte Checksum
//Serial.print(" "); //Space it out for the next printout
if (cs == check) {
ok = true;
return ok;
// Get a nybble from manchester bytes, short name so equations elsewhere are neater :-)
// Enables the byte array to be indexed as an array of nybbles
byte nyb(int nybble) {
int bite = nybble / 2; //DIV 2, find the byte
int nybb = nybble % 2; //MOD 2 0=MSB 1=LSB
byte b = manchester[bite];
if (nybb == 0) {
b = (byte)((byte)(b) >> 4);
else {
b = (byte)((byte)(b) & (byte)(0xf));
return b;
//enable debug dumps if formatted data required
void analyseData() {
if (manchester[0] == 0xaf) { //detected the Thermometer and Hygrometer (every 53seconds)
scan = scan | 1;
logTemp = 0; //reset missing reads to zero
if (manchester[0] == 0xa1) { //detected the Anemometer and Wind Direction (every 14seconds)
scan = scan | 2;
logWind = 0;//reset missing reads to zero
//Calculation Routines
/*The following bit has been identified by Xander Zimmerman as a 'battery low' indicator
He used a variable voltage power supply to test signals from rainfall, temp/hum and anemometer eg
- no more messages: < 2.1 V
- switch to low < 2.6 V
- only 1 Bit used: Byte 4; Bit 6: high => Bat low (Nyb8, Bit 2)
This aligns with the nybble I suspected contained the Battery level indicator
However it does not tally with my experiments. However I used resistors to lower the voltage to the sensor,
rather than a precise and steady voltage. I am inclined to accept Xander's opinion here but reluctant
to change my present strategy of notification if the sensor is not detected at all for 20 minutes.
This strategy allows for instant collapse of the sensor whether it be low batteries, or the cold, or phyiscal damage
or the transmitter suddenly being shielded or a lightning strike or any other quick demise. The Oregon LCD base console
does not have icons that signal a low battery, or the absence of a signal. So if the "low battery" transmissions are
missed then the sensor can drop out before action is taken.
In the case of some batteries, I have them go "low" overnight when it has been very cold only to act normal again the next
day as the air temperature rose. Some sort of flag system in the server code would need to capture and reain that status.
However I am sure if you see value in using the "battery low" bit, then it will be easy enough to incorporate.
Xander is also a fan of http://www.openhab.org/ for organising his home systems and also https://github.com/wfrog/wfrog
for rendering the Oregon information into graphs etc.
// WGR800 Wind speed sensor
// Sample Data:
// 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
// A1 98 40 8E 00 0C 70 04 00 34
// 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 A B C D E F 0 1 2 3
// 10100001 10011000 01000000 10001110 00000000 00001100 01110000 00000100 00000000 00110100
// -------- -------- bbbb---- NRRRRRRR xxxx9999 xxxxxxxx CCCCDDDD xxxxFFFF 0000---- CCCCcccc
// Av Speed 0.4000000000m/s Gusts 0.7000000000m/s Direction: N
// byte(0)_byte(1) = Sensor ID?????
// bbbb = Battery indicator??? (7) My investigations would disagree here. After exhaustive low battery tests these bits did not change
// NRRRRRRR = Rolling Code Byte, the N bit is set to 1 for 64 cycles to indicate it is reset or new to the Rx box
// 9999 = Direction
// DDDD.CCCC = Gust Speed (m per sec)
// 0000.FFFF = Avg Speed(m per sec)
// multiply by 3600/1000 for km/hr
// ccccCCCC = 1 byte checksum cf. sum of nybbles
// packet length is 20 nybbles
void anemom() {
//D A1 98 40 8E 08 0C 60 04 00 A4
avWindspeed = ((nyb(16) * 10) + nyb(15)) * 2.23694/ 10;
double gust = ((nyb(13) * 10) + nyb(12)) * 2.23694/ 10;
// after every minute, reset gustWindspeed to avWindspeed and then take the highest gust after that (approx4 readings a minute)
if (gust > gustWindspeed) {
gustWindspeed = gust;
quadrant = nyb(9) & 0xF;
void dumpAnemom() {
Serial.print("Av Speed ");
Serial.print(" mph, Gusts ");
Serial.print(" mph, Direction: ");
Serial.print(" -> ");
// THGN800 Temperature and Humidity Sensor
// 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 Bytes
// 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 A B C D E F 0 1 2 3 nybbles
// 01011111 00010100 01000001 01000000 10001100 10000000 00001100 10100000 10110100 01111001 Bits
// -------- -------- bbbbcccc RRRRRRRR 88889999 AAAABBBB SSSSDDDD EEEE---- CCCCcccc -------- Explanation
// byte(0)_byte(1) = Sensor ID?????
// bbbb = Battery indicator??? (7), My investigations on the anemometer would disagree here. After exhaustive low battery tests these bits did not change
// RRRRRRRR = Rolling code byte
// nybble(5) is channel selector c (Switch on the sensor to allocate it a number)
// BBBBAAAA.99998888 Temperature in BCD
// SSSS sign for negative (- is !=0)
// EEEEDDDD Humidity in BCD
// ccccCCCC 1 byte checksum cf. sum of nybbles
// Packet length is 18 nybbles and indeterminate after that
// H 00 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 Byte Sequence
// D AF 82 41 CB 89 42 00 48 85 55 Real example
// Temperature 24.9799995422 degC Humidity 40.0000000000 % rel
void thermom() {
temperature = (double)((nyb(11) * 100) + (nyb(10) * 10) + nyb(9)) / 10; //accuracy to 0.1 degree seems unlikely
//The following line has been corrected by Darko in Italy, thank you, Grazie ragazzi!!!
if (nyb(12) == 8) { // Trigger a negative temperature
temperature = -1.0 * temperature;
humidity = (nyb(14) * 10) + nyb(13);
void dumpThermom() {
Serial.print("Temperature ");
Serial.print(" degC, Humidity ");
Serial.println("% Rel");
// Formating routine for interface to host computer, output once a minute once all three sesnors have been detected
void usbData() {
// Stn Id, Packet Type, Wind Quadrant, Wind Speed, Rain Tips, Ext temp, Int Temp, Int Pressure, Int Humidity
//scan==15 means all 4 readings now have a valid value, ready for output on Serial
//Battery/Signal status, OR in the the four status values for the signal connections.
if (logTemp>40){
batStat = batStat | 1;
if (logWind>40){
batStat = batStat | 2;
//reset the batStat to 0 every 24hours
if (aday>1440){
// Order: Battery Status, Quadrant, Wind Gust, Rainfall, Temperature, InternalTemp, Internal Pressure, Int Humidity, Solar Power, Lightning, UV Radiation
Serial.print(batStat,DEC); //Send out the number to indicate if a sensor is not transmitting for maore than 20 mins. Low Battery or other damage.
Serial.print(quadrant); //0-15 in 22.5 degrees steps clockwise
Serial.print(gustWindspeed, 1); //Gust windspeed km/hr, not average windspeed (graphing over 10 samples gives Average)
gustWindspeed = avWindspeed; //reset gust to average, then take the larger next reading
Serial.print(temperature, 2); // OS Temperature Centigrade
void eraseManchester(){
for( int i=0; i < 15; i++){