Again, apologies for the bump - just trying to work out the path of least resistance to either get this module in, or how to get it in myself. Any pointers would be appreciated.
@BDub - It seems that you’re the resident rockstar with libraries - any ideas?
UPDATE: This library that Peekay123 and I worked on works better and supports I2C and SPI. This example is setup to work with I2C right out of the box and IMO works better than SPI:
I just wanted to pitch in and say we have begun working on the custom shields and one of them is for a NFC. We are trying out a new tool - Upverter to create this. Would love to get a feedback on it:
@BDub - you’re a champion - thanks very much for this. I’m currently out of the country, so seperated from my beloved sparkcore - when I am back, I will be testing it and let you know.
@mohit - Sounds like an interesting project - quick question though - what is the need for a shield when the PN532 interfaces on UART/SPI/I2C ? Just for the sake of cleanliness - or did I miss something?
In any case, excited to see NFC making it to the sparkcore, it’s really a killer combination for remote access projects.
The NFC shield is being designed as per the request of the custom shield backer from Kickstarter. This one is going to have a similar footprint as the Core itself, allowing the creation of very portable applications. Apart from that, one can always use a combination of a Shield Shield and an Arduino compatible NFC shield.
I have the same NFC reader, and would like to test your code with my reader, my only problem is i don’t know how to connect the spark with the nfc reader. Can you please describe what should be connected with what in order to read the nfcs thru the spark core?
I tried to connect it thru I2C (without any pull up resistors, just simply wired the spark with this one), but as i saw not even the void loop() went okay. (I added serial.print(“test”) just to see whether something is happening, but nothing happened at all)
Not sure what went wrong, maybe the NFC wasn’t recognised and the code just stopped?
Kinda, so that shield you have has a label “SCK” which you want to connect to SCL which is D1 on the Spark Core.
SDA on your shield is SDA on the Core, D0. GND to GND and 5V on your shield to VIN on the Core. You’ll need the pull up resistors as well. If you have 4.7k ohm resistors I would start there.