Photon is stuck in auto-update

Now things become interesting.

Chances are that your CLI installation got corrupted, but that’s another story.
You can do the whole update stuff step by step
First download the system binaries and bootloader for the Photon from here

Then flash these in DFU Mode

particle flash --usb system-part1-0.7.0-photon.bin
particle flash --usb system-part2-0.7.0-photon.bin

Then in Listening Mode

particle flash --serial bootloader-0.7.0-photon.bin

Then try the this again in DFU Mode

particle keys server
particle keys doctor <insertYourDeviceIDhere>

If this doesn’t help try installing CLI on a fresh machine - if you are using Windows make sure to use the CLI Windows Installer and not npm
With Win10 uncheck the “Install Serial Drivers” (or however it’s called) option as Win10 brings it’s own drivers and is gererally happier with these.