I’ve built a little motion detector/weather combination sensor using a PIR motion sensor, a Particle Photon, and a BME280 temperature, atmospheric pressure, humidity sensor and a log-linear light sensor. I have it programmed and working. I want it to report the sensors every ten minutes. I also want it to report motion plus the sensors when motion is detected. I want it to save energy and sleep in stop mode otherwise. I am using System.sleep(uint16_t wakeUpPin, uint16_t edgeTriggerMode, long seconds), like this
System.sleep(PIR, RISING, 600); //Sleep for x seconds or till PIR HIGH
So it wakes up every ten minutes, or wakes up when there is motion, as expected.
QUESTION 1: How can the program detect and display whether it woke up because of movement or because of the time elapsed? I have this section below that reads the pin upon wakeup, it’s part of my boolean sensor class:
bool boolSensor::measure_Detected() { // measure if there is activity detected
_detected = digitalRead(_pin);
_detected = digitalRead(_pin);
return _detected;
I have it reading twice, with a debouncing step, which didn’t help.
THE PROBLEM: no matter what, the interrupt pin (A5 in my case) reads HIGH when the Photon is woken up by time OR by the PIR signal. I think this is expected, can someone confirm? I didn’t expect that the timeout was using the pin to wake up the Photon. I expected the pin to read LOW when waking from timing out.
QUESTION 2: So what’s a way to sleep in stop mode and wake up on either an external interrupt (3V signal from PIR) or on a timer, AND be able to distinguish which of the two (time or ext. interrupt) was the cause for wake up? Use a Real Time Clock to measure the time between interrupts to look for an expected 10 minutes wait? Isn’t there another more bullet-proof way than comparing time elapsed to time expected to elapse?
Cheers and thanks for your consideration.