Photon Eagle Lib w/ Headers

Hello, all!

I am new to both the Photon and Eagle — trying to make my first custom PCB. When I import the Photon Eagle Library, I only see support for a SMD Photon. On my board, I want to solder in female headers so the Photon can be placed into (and removed). Does anyone know where I can find this lib?

This is what my board currently looks like. As shown, it defaults to surface mount pads.

Any help would be greatly apprecited.

Thank you,

Look for this:

Hmmm…I’m getting the following (downloaded from here:

Perhaps, there’s another lib that I’m not coming across?

Thank you.

Did you add the library to EAGLEcad?

Be sure to download from this link:

Grab the library file and replace the one you have then make sure EAGLEcad is listing it :wink:

I see that you are using search. Could you see the entire content in the Spark library?

Ah, very newbie mistake! Dropping down the entire Spark directory showed all the options. Perhaps since the dashes in the name made the query not work. Regardless, thank you so much for your help! :sweat_smile: