Particle.Publish() - Any plans for TTL / unexpired events?

The Spark^W Particle.Publish() docs state:

For the time being there exists no way to access a previously published but TTL-unexpired event.

In another thread @Dave wrote that the TTL mechanism could/would be implemented in future to get the latest unexpired event. That was over a year ago - is there any progress on this?

Hi @pwallington,

Yes this is still on the docket! Sorry it’s not been released yet, the recent engineering focus has been on getting the electron out the door, and we’ll be focusing on quality / improving existing tools for a few sprints before spinning up on new features again, but this is still an important feature. I’ll post more details when I know where this lands in our timeline.



Thanks for the update! Good luck with the quailty sprints :thumbsup:

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