Particle Mesh Programming

Does anyone know how the Particle Mesh devices will be programmed? I love the Photon for easy over-the-air programming. It would make sense that the Argon would be capable of over-the-air updates with built-in WiFi. What about the Xenon endpoints? Must they be programmed up close and in person? I saw the Mesh Debugger dongle on the pre-order page. Is that dongle required for programming the Xenon devices? or for programming all the devices?


They should all be programmable OTA. The Debugger is a nice extra, but shouldn’t be required as far as I’m aware.


This should be possible via a connected gateway (Argon or Boron) and even serval mesh hops.


Yes. The debugger is to support an additional set of features that we’re planning to add to our Desktop IDE before hardware delivery in July. It is not required for programming.


Will devices be programmable over USB using DFU/Serial?

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Xenons can also be updated over the air via a gateway, such as an Argon, Boron or Xenon + Ethernet FeatherWing. For those who like to get into the low-level networking gooeyness, Nordic has an example Thread-based DFU that should give you a sense of how Xenons could OTA update.

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Will the programming environment be similar to Photon – programming in C++/Wiring? Or what language/libraries/developer tools are involved?

@mprogers, the tools and language will be the same.


Excellent, I am looking forward to acquiring several Argon and Borons.

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About debugging, I am wondering if I need to preorder the debugger or I can still use the ST-Link I have for the photon.
What additional functionality does the new debugger provide that I would miss?
I am interested in debugging in my application, as opposed to the programmer shield method.

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