Panic assert_failed

My Argon was working great. However about a week ago it started an endless cycle of a single red flash, connecting to the WiFI and rebooting. Getting a ‘spark/device/last_reset’ event message with ‘panic, assert_failed’ data.

Attempting to recycle power, hard reset has no effect. OS is 0.8.0 RC 26. Submitted a support ticket. Recommendation was to wait for next OS release (hopefully soon). Other particle devices (Photon) are fine.

Anyone seen this? Perhaps a hardware failure?

The panic may be related to the Nordic driver bug mentioned in this post:

I have also seen xenon's do random SOS 1 hard faults. They would repeatedly hard fault, then reboot, and repeat for a short amount of time, maybe 10 minutes, then recover themselves and perform solidly again.

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Hey there,

As @ninjatill this is something we believe to be related to the Nordic driver issue. i would sit tight for rc27 to see if you notice any change in behavior.

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Hello folks,

Wanted to follow-up with this thread to let everyone know that a fix for the SOS-7 issue has been released with v0.8.0-rc.27. The issues was tracked to a problem with the Nordic 802.15.4 driver. Instructions for upgrading are available below. We'd love to know if applying the release fixes the issue SOS-7 issue that you're experiencing.

Note that we have seen some reports of change in behavior for rc.27 when users call the Mesh.subscribe() function within the setup() loop that can result in a separate SOS-10 code which we're currently investigating. If this issue affects you, please note the following workaround.