P2 with Device OS 6.2.1 dropping cloud connection

I left a P2 with a Log to serial monitor and came back to it with the LED breathing white (restarted and was waiting to have serial available conformed) and this on the log:

0002180963 [app] INFO: WiFi LAN
0002190405 [comm.protocol] ERROR: Event loop error 1
0002190432 [system] WARN: Communication loop error, closing cloud socket
0002190469 [system] INFO: Cloud: disconnecting
0002190493 [system] INFO: Cloud: disconnected
0002190507 [system] INFO: Cloud: connecting
0002190494 [app.ethwifi] INFO: Disconnected from the cloud while on WiFi
0002190519 [system] INFO: Read Server Address = type:1,domain:$id.udp.particle.io
0002190580 [system] INFO: Loaded cloud server address and port from session data
0002190621 [system] INFO: Cloud socket=0, connecting to using if 4
0002190664 [system] INFO: Bound cloud socket to lwip if 4 ("wl3")
0002190698 [system] INFO: Cloud socket connected
0002190723 [system] INFO: Starting handshake: presense_announce=0
0002190756 [comm.protocol.handshake] INFO: Establish secure connection
0002190795 [comm.dtls] INFO: session has 0 uses
0002190825 [comm.dtls] INFO: (CMPL,RENEG,NO_SESS,ERR) restoreStatus=0
0002190861 [comm.dtls] INFO: out_ctr 0,1,0,0,0,0,1,54, next_coap_id=125
0002190898 [comm.dtls] INFO: restored session from persisted session data. next_msg_id=293
0002190944 [comm.dtls] INFO: session cmd (CLS,DIS,MOV,LOD,SAV): 2
0002190964 [app] INFO: WiFi LAN
0002191968 [comm.protocol.handshake] INFO: Skipping HELLO message
0002192004 [system] INFO: cloud connected from existing session.

Does this give any explanation as to why it disconnected and could not reconnect?

The device shouldn't go into breathing while unless it was manually put into network off mode. If it failed to connect, it would be blinking green or cyan continuously; it does not go into breathing white no matter how long it fails to connect.

I think if you do not have Wi-Fi credentials and have disabled listening mode (because you are using BLE provisioning mode) you might go into breathing white, but since you were subsequently able to connect that probably wasn't the issue.

It had reset and was breathing white waiting for a serial connection. My question was about why it had dropped the cloud connection?