The following piece of code was working fine until now. I am unable to read/write anything into external flash.
#include "flashee-eeprom.h"
using namespace Flashee;
FRESULT result;
const char * fileName = "firmware.txt";
const char * message = "Hello!";
void setup()
//create memory region
result = Devices::createFATRegion(0, 4096*256, &fs);
if(result != FR_OK){
Serial.println("Error mounting file system");
Serial.println("File system success");
FIL fil;
UINT dw;
/*Delete the file if it exits already*/
fr = f_unlink(fileName);
((fr = f_open(&fil, fileName, FA_WRITE|FA_CREATE_NEW)) == FR_OK) &&
((fr = f_write(&fil, (const char *)message, strlen(message)+1, &dw)) == FR_OK) &&
((fr = f_close(&fil))==FR_OK);
Serial.println("Created a file");
Serial.printf("write: %d\n" , dw);
char buf[128];
memset(buf, 0, sizeof(buf));
((fr = f_open(&fil, fileName, FA_READ|FA_OPEN_EXISTING)) == FR_OK) &&
((fr = f_read(&fil, buf, sizeof(buf), &dw)) == FR_OK) &&
((fr = f_close(&fil)) == FR_OK);
Serial.printf("Read: %d\n" , dw);
Serial.printf("File contents: %s\n", buf);
void loop()
File system success
Created a file
write: 0
Read: 0
File contents:
I am unable to read or write. Is my external flash damaged?
Hmm… @peekay123 you have some idea?
I am not familiar but does dw get a value after the f_write()
Also, the statement fr = f_open == FR_OK
… Wouldn’t that return the evaluation result, changing what fr
is referenced to?
((fr = f_open(&fil, fileName, FA_WRITE|FA_CREATE_NEW)) == FR_OK) &&
((fr = f_write(&fil, (const char *)message, strlen(message)+1, &dw)) == FR_OK) &&
((fr = f_close(&fil))==FR_OK);
I agree with @kennethlimcp that this will most likely not work. I am not even sure what the purpose of the statement is as any returned error will be wiped unless it is the last statement. I would be more granular in order to handle errors more effectively:
fr = f_open(&fil, fileName, FA_WRITE|FA_CREATE_NEW);
if (fr != FR_OK) {
Serial.printf("ERROR opening file! (error %d)", fr);
while(1) Particle.process(); // Stop the application by looping forever!
fr = f_write(&fil, (const char *)message, strlen(message)+1, &dw));
if (fr != FR_OK) {
Serial.printf("ERROR writing to file! (error %d)", fr);
while(1) Particle.process(); // Stop the application by looping forever!
fr = f_close(&fil);
if (fr != FR_OK) {
Serial.printf("ERROR closing file! (error %d)", fr);
while(1) Particle.process(); // Stop the application by looping forever!
In the above example, the application will stop and call `Particle.process()` to ensure OTA can continue to work. You may want to handle the errors differently. Exception (error) handling is crucial in any application.
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Yes, dw returns the number of bytes written to the file. I have seen that. This line
((fr = f_open(&fil, fileName, FA_WRITE|FA_CREATE_NEW)) == FR_OK);
Assigns a value to fr and if it is equal to FR_OK, the condition is true.
This syntax is from the example in here. The condition checks are guaranteed after every statement. Not just the last line.
I have verified the conditions checks already by reformatting the syntax as
((fr = f_open(&fil, fileName, FA_WRITE|FA_CREATE_NEW)) == FR_OK);
((fr = f_write(&fil, (const char *)message, strlen(message)+1, &dw)) == FR_OK);
((fr = f_close(&fil))==FR_OK);
All of them said fr == FR_OK. I am very sure that this worked before.
@dheerajdake, I have no doubt they work. It’s just that the code isn’t written for good exception handling. Have you tried replacing your string declarations for const char *
const char fileName[] = "firmware.txt";
const char message[] = "Hello!";
The array name is also the pointer to the array.
Yes I did. Still the same output.
Unfortunately, I don’t have answer why it stopped working. I ran this code, on a P1 and it worked fine:
#include "Particle.h"
#include "flashee-eeprom.h"
using namespace Flashee;
// Uses:
// https://github.com/m-mcgowan/spark-flashee-eeprom
// Add to project.properties:
// dependencies.flashee-eeprom=0.1.8
const char * fileName = "firmware.txt";
const char * message = "Hello!";
void testFs();
void setup() {
void loop() {
void testFs() {
//create memory region
FRESULT result = Devices::createFATRegion(0, 4096*256, &fs);
if(result != FR_OK){
Serial.println("Error mounting file system");
Serial.println("File system success");
FIL fil;
UINT dw;
/*Delete the file if it exits already*/
fr = f_unlink(fileName);
fr = f_open(&fil, fileName, FA_WRITE|FA_CREATE_NEW);
if (fr != FR_OK) {
Serial.printf("ERROR opening file! (error %d)", fr);
fr = f_write(&fil, (const char *)message, strlen(message)+1, &dw);
if (fr != FR_OK) {
Serial.printf("ERROR writing to file! (error %d)", fr);
fr = f_close(&fil);
if (fr != FR_OK) {
Serial.printf("ERROR closing file! (error %d)", fr);
Serial.println("Created a file");
Serial.printf("write: %d\n" , dw);
char buf[128];
memset(buf, 0, sizeof(buf));
((fr = f_open(&fil, fileName, FA_READ|FA_OPEN_EXISTING)) == FR_OK) &&
((fr = f_read(&fil, buf, sizeof(buf), &dw)) == FR_OK) &&
((fr = f_close(&fil)) == FR_OK);
Serial.printf("Read: %d\n" , dw);
Serial.printf("File contents: %s\n", buf);
This was the serial output:
File system success
Created a file
write: 7
Read: 7
File contents: Hello!
Tested on a P1 (Sparkfun Redboard) with 0.6.2.
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That’s the same code. How do I know if my external flash is damaged?
I’d try adding the 4th parameter to the Devices::createFATRegion call, FORMAT_CMD_FORMAT. The default is to format the device as a FAT volume if it looks invalid, but maybe your flash is almost but not quite valid. Perhaps formatting it will help.
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