Official Particle Android app is unable to see new Photon's

Obviously they'd want it to work for all devices, whenever
possible. Quoting market shares makes it seem as if they don't care,
which I can safely say is not true. Making it c..............................

You seem to be missing my point, I don't expect it to work on every platform and every version. I expect it to work on flagship Phones eg: Iphones, Samsung, Nexus, Pixel. It's not a slight to have high expectations. I know they will fix it eventually.

It's not that you need bigger producers, just more of them. You can't
ignore all other devices out there simply because Samsung has the................

See above

In all fairness, they do blow up occasionally... (sorry, too good of an opportunity not to...)

Haha nope, that's a fair one. That was completely unacceptable on Samsung's part. Percentage wise low but still, the second round you send out starts to catch fire, come on guys :smile:

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