Object Orientation on the photon/P0?

The symptoms you are describing there are not uncommon with Dev.
It behaves somewhat counterintuitive.

  • make sure you save all your files before building (no cyan dots in the file tabs left)
  • don't only push the build and flash button but first the build :cloud: button and only then the flash (lightning bolt) button - or remove any present .bin files in your project folder
  • make sure you got the project folder selected and not just a project file as only the folder will be built. The selected file will only be edited in Dev.
  • make sure you selected the correct target device

Other members could be helped when they provided a screenshot of their Dev window to spot other issues.

In your code is one puzzling line

  bool checkRead*long previousMillis, int interval)         

You should also do your millis() checks slightly different
See here

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