Node JS version in Tutorial

Hi Community,
I am currently working on a project that I am looking to store data up on the Google Cloud Platform. This tutorial uses a Particle Electron to send information to the particle cloud> then to the Google Cloud via Pub/Sub, node js script and Datastore. The Particle tutorial can be found here:

Does anyone know if I am running node 10.14.2 would be an issue running this on the Google Cloud? I keep getting an error “Listed 0 items” when trying to verify if my data reached the cloud. Thanks. Mike

Does anyone know if I am running node 10.14.2 would be an issue running this on the Google Cloud? I keep getting an error “Listed 0 items” when trying to verify if my data reached the cloud.

I have been able to verify that the data has been reaching the GCP platform though. This is a key component of my project - any help would be great!
Thanks. Mike