Muon 5V power in expansion card

Hi, how much power can the 5V pin on the expansion card provide?

Side questions:

1 - VIN reads 6-12 VDC, but the power module PM-BAT says 5V to 17VDC input.

2 - Where are the 5V coming from on the expansion card? the PM-BAT says Power output 5V (not available on this module).


VIN is recommended to be 6-12V. The bq24195 PMIC on the PM-BAT has an absolute maximum of 17VDC. The recommended minimum is 6V because at lower voltages there may be insufficient current to power the M-SoM.

On the version 0.5 of the Muon, the power is unidirectional from the base board to the expansion connector and is limited to 1A at 3.3V and 1A at 5V, however the total across both may be limited by the supply current, especially for USB.

On later versions of the Muon, expansion card 5V power is bidirectional and a hat can power the Muon. 2A at 5V is required.

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