MPL115A2 Library

Have you had a look if the MPL3115A2 library is compatible with your sensor?

It’s also available on Particle Build

But a quick browse through your repo seemed OK.
Just out of curiosity, why have you decided to change the static functions into non-static? Did the Particle Wire class not play well with static?

One thing you might want to consider for future ports is, that you could keep the original Arduino functionality and just add the Particle specifics by use of conditional compiling (#ifdef .. #endif).


#if defined(SPARK)
 #include "application.h"
 #if ARDUINO >= 100		
  #include "Arduino.h"		
  #include "WProgram.h"		
 #include <Wire.h>
static uint8_t i2cread(void) {		
  uint8_t x;		
  #if (ARDUINO >= 100) || defined(SPARK)		
  x =;		
  x = Wire.receive();		
  //Serial.print("0x"); Serial.println(x, HEX);		
  return x;		