Linux versus Particle-agent

Among my concerns:

  1. Agent running as root. Also see “FEEDBACK: Raspberry Pi particle-agent structure -- complaint”. The Arduino “sketch” model works for Photon but not a Linux-based system. As I mentioned in some now-lost message, all I really want from Particle on an RPi is access to Particle.function, -variable, -publish, and -subscribe. There are already (better) Linux tools for the rest.
  2. Possibility of overheating a RPi quad processor: My system is installed in a plastic enclosure with no heat sinks. But it ran for months before my Particle process (empty loop()) overheated it in 30 minutes. I see no reason to believe this is an isolated case.
  3. The way agent-service runs on Linux exposes my device ID:
    $ ps ax | grep particle

    1206 ? S 37:07 /var/lib/particle/devices/…dev-id…/firmware.bin -v 70
