Еlectron happen to stop working by itself

On two occasions electron happen to stop working by itself. So there is no indication Led. By resetting the first time continued to work, while the second time is reactivated after reconnecting the power.To mention that I use 3rd party SIM for Electron and the SYSTEM_THREAD mode is enabled.
Is it a hardware or software problem? So both LEDs do not light. What could be cause this?

I noticed that it happens again with included SYSTEM_THREAD mode. With the difference that this time LED for power management continues to flash. I will turn off System thread mode to be sure that it is causing the problem.

SYSTEM_THREAD(ENABLED) seems to be not yet available for the Electron, unless you build (a branch that contains this feature already) locally.

Unfortunately I can’t find this documented :blush:

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Hello @ScruffR
I do not know that this feature is not yet available for Electron.
Compiling Web IDE passes without errors when is added SYSTEM_THREAD (ENABLED).
Otherwise, after a test without SYSTEM_THREAD (ENABLED) has no problem that I had before.
Is it possible System Thread function is however available but there are some errors?
And what is the condition where LEDs do not give any signals? Probably sleep mode or something else?

That info comes from the ultimate source of Particle insight
Long Term Photon Connection Stability

Thanks for the information :slight_smile:
But really strange that there is a difference when the option is turned on.
Anyway now it works well with off System Thread.

I think the difference comes from this feature being only half-baked into the Electron - it’s already possible to activate (no build errors) but won’t work properly.
Might be a side effect of “public pressure” to bring the Electron out ASAP (personal opinion :sunglasses:)

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Yes, we didn’t get chance to fix threading support before release. It turned out that libc_nano didn’t provide a thread-safe malloc/free implementation and the system thread stack needed to be larger to handle the DTLS handshake. It will be available in 0.5.0