I just found a cool web tool called JSON2WEB for visualizing complex JSON responses (like hockey scores!). I really helps in seeing how the JSON data structures are organized and nested in order to better parse them.
Nice find. There’s a good json viewer chrome extension as well that will auto format any json response. Can’t think of it’s name while I’m on my phone right now. I’ll post when I’m back to my desktop.
I use Json Parser Online. The thing I like about it is that it has the raw JSON on the left and the parsed AND eval’d JSON on the right.
I don’t know if @kareem613 and I use the same extension, but the JSONView extension for Chrome is nice. It’s a little more light-weight than some of the others that I’ve tried, which is good for those times when some web service gives you back 100,000+ records at once.
A list of useful web tools & plug-ins would be such a great asset for the community. Any thoughts?
That's the one! Works really well.
Yea. Feels like there needs to be a wiki.
Maybe a section of the documentation the spark team will accept pull requests for frequently?
The Spark team is always open to pull requests to the documentation repo. If you're not comfortable with that, anyone in the Spark elite or on the Spark team can probably help you out. I know the feelers are out for a good-fit solution like a Wiki with less administration overhead. I remember someone once saying "wikis are where information goes to die", which I can't argue against. Any suggestions are welcome!