Is there a Google Home integration example?

Hello. I’ve been looking for a google home example similar to this one listed below for an Amazon Echo. Has anyone seen anything like this? I have been looking on google but I fear I might be using the wrong the search terms as the google IoT has gone through many name changes and I’ve become very confused. (Android @Home, Google @home, Google Things, Google Actions etc.)

I have seen this one but it is for the Rasberry PI and leverages IFTTT. Ideally, it would be something simple like turning on/off the embedded LED or something like this.

Many Thanks.

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hey @chasenbeck
try the open source ha-bridge, which emulates hue devices so you can utter “turn off”, “turn on” and “dim” and easily get voice activated gpio control without the complexity and sometimes extra cost of the google home api. No hue device actually needed, since you can use the “execute script” option to run pretty much any script, e.g. python /home/pi/py/, wherein you set up and control the gpio pins, say with RPi.GPIO. I’ve tried it and it definitely works.

It’s limited to those phrases but may be enough for you

Works with Alexa, as well

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@ bpr

Thanks very much! I’ll take a look over the weekend.

It’s pretty straight forward using IFTTT. I have a few photons controlling my sofa and garage door which can be controlled using Google Home voice commands.

With IFTTT you can select Google Assistant as the IF and recognize any voice command (exclude hey/ok google when you write it). Then THAT a Particle function as the output. Something like this should be enough to control the onboard LED.

#include "application.h"

int toggle_light(String command) {
    digitalWrite(D7, !digitalRead(D7));
    return 0;

void setup() {
    pinMode(D7, OUTPUT);
    Particle.function("toggle_light", toggle_light);
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I know this is a very old post, but how did you integrate your garage door opener to work with IFTTT? I’m trying to make a similar thing, but I’m not too sure what to do.

Hi there, I think he may have used this IFTTT integration.

I know that IFTTT is a much easier integration with google assistant but why isn’t there a tutorial on a direct Simple integration with particle?

There are plenty of good guides for AWS/Alexa.

Is the integration limited by google? Limited by tinker support from google? Google assistant isn’t as popular? Just curious.

Bumping this.
I would also like to know how to directly integrate with google home.

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