Is Particle Dashboard Down? [Fixed]

I was just using the Particle Dashboard to view published info but it just logged me out and keeps telling me my password is not valid.

When it click on change password it takes me to the build IDE which it logs me into just fine.

When I click create a new account it takes me to the build IDE which it logs me into just fine.

I figure its being worked on but wanted to check.


Anybody else seeing this?


Confirmed here. Password is being rejected.

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Thanks for the ping, I confirmed, and we’re fixing asap

Same here. After logging out of the build env, I was then able to reset the password. But dashboard does not accept it. Two data silos? :slight_smile:

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Thanks all! This should now be fixed, a bad configuration setting was sent to production on accident and we’ve rolled it back. Sorry about that!


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