Is my photon dead?

Oh kewl, yeah hopefully you have the original JTAG shield as well. If you have STM32 ST-Link Utility already skip to step 3.

  1. Download this tool: STSW-LINK004 and install
  2. Download this driver: STSW-LINK009, unzip into a folder. Run the stlink_winusb_install.bat file by double-clicking on it.
  3. Plug in your ST-Link V2. The driver install should succeed.
  4. Connect the ST-Link to your Photon as shown in this diagram (or just plug into the JTAG shield):
  5. Plug your Photon into USB power using a USB cable.
  6. Open the STM32 ST-Link UTILITY application in Windows.
  7. Open the TARGET menu then click SETTINGS, make sure the PORT is set to JTAG (or SWD) mode.
  8. Open the TARGET menu and click CONNECT. You should be connected to the target. (the data window should populate)
  9. Make sure the address is 0x08000000 and the size is 0x100000
  10. Now open the TARGET menu, then OPTION BYTES. Ensure READ OUT PROTECTION is set to LEVEL 0. If not please note what it’s set to and change to LEVEL 0. Also make a note of which of the sectors (0-11) are write protected (the ones with check marks, no need to change their values) then hit APPLY.
  11. Now open the TARGET menu, then FILE… SAVE FILE AS… photon_30003b000447343138333038.bin. SAVE. You can email that to my first name at particle dot io :wink: Thanks!

Lemme go look in the logs at that ID, and after all this we can try to restore your Photon since you have JTAG.

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