I just created an iOS project for an app that reads the temperature from a temperature sensor connected to the Spark Core. You can download it here: https://github.com/rawmean/SparkTemprature
This is great. I was planning on doing something similar with a humidity sensor. Could you post some screenshots of the iOS app so I can see how it looks since I don’t have a mac to compile the program? Thanks!
Thanks for the example code. It does appear however that your access token and core id is in the code checked into github. Not sure if you want those in a public repository.
I just got a shiny new spark core and I’m hoping to initiate this project when I have a bit more time(hopefully the next couple weeks). I know nothing about iOS apps. How hard would it be to tweak the app to display up to 4 temps numerically at the same time?
Then I just need to work on wiring multiple sensors…