Introducing Integrations

beautiful, thanks for the fix and also for letting us know!

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When will webhooks be able to respond to Customer claimed/owned devices?

Since Iā€™ve started toying with two-legged auth, the devices owned by Customers no longer get webhook responses. At first glance this seems to be a direct result of not being able to see Customer owned/claimed devices on the SSE /v1/devices/events stream.

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This is likely related to the problem with customer weebhooks I reported earlier. Also waiting for resolution.

Interestingā€¦ I havenā€™t seen that. I figured it was because while events published by Products that are still owned by a User of the Org appear both on:

  1. /v1/devices/events
  2. /v1/orgs/:orgSlug/products/:productSlug/events

once they are owned/claimed by a Customer they only show up on 2.