I’m going to plan a hackathon and I’m interesting about your opinion regarding scope. I’m not really sure if everything could fit in a one day hackathon and I want to avoid getting stuck and end the day with an unfinished product.
So basically I want to create an indoor weather station. Collecting temperature and humidity with several photons and display the results on a dashboard as web and/or mobile app.
I want to hand out to every participant a particle photon, humidity sensor, breadboard, cables, etc… the wiring is following several tutorials out there and looks pretty much straight forward: https://openhomeautomation.net/cloud-data-logger-particle-photon/
The next step is to connect a cloud DB like DynamoDB or google cloud to log all the data.
In the last and most important step the data should be displayed on a nice dashboard. With features like history comparison, drill down, etc. The dashboard should be available as app on mobile devices and on websites.
The audience of this hackathon is mostly mobile and web engineers. They are pretty much common in displaying data and creating apps. The hardware part should make the day more interesting instate of working with generated demo data.
What do you think? Does this all could fit in one day or is it too heavy? Any other feedback or ideas?
Thank you very much.