IFTTT - recipe for status of garage door status

You guys are spot on with the DO button to check the state…

How about putting in a Push Notification when the door is opened/closed so you are notified of the change in state rather than having to check?

Something like this:

int relay = D1;
int delayRelay = D3;
int reed = D6;
int lastState = -1;

int relayPulse(String command)
  digitalWrite(relay, HIGH);
  digitalWrite(relay, LOW);
  return 1;

int statusCheck(String command)
  return digitalRead(reed);

void setup()
  Particle.function("relay", relayPulse);
  Particle.function("status", statusCheck);
  Particle.publish("myNotifyWebhook", "Garage Opener Restart", 60, PRIVATE);

  pinMode(relay, OUTPUT);
  pinMode(delayRelay, OUTPUT);
  pinMode(reed, INPUT);

  digitalWrite(relay, LOW);
  digitalWrite(delayRelay, LOW);

void loop()
  int currentState = digitalRead(reed);
  if(currentState != lastState)
      lastState = currentState;
  delay(50);  //crude debounce for reed switch

void notifyMe(int newState)
  Particle.publish("myNotifyWebhook", newState? "Garage Door Open" : "Garage Door Closed", 60, PRIVATE);

myNotifyWebhook would be a service like Pushover