My husband has planned a dinner tonight and he’s on my case to make our condo look like “less of a hacker’s den” I said “but it is a hacker’s den, darling”… but he’s having none of it.
Soldering and piles of parts have been stashed, the one thing that’s still bugging him is the flashing RGB LED on the spark core near the front door. This is the reed switch I made to monitor if the door is open. It is really noticeable… and he thinks it “makes it seem like we live in a bad neighborhood” a point which I can see …I guess… these are his work friends so he knows them best. I don’t mind making things “nice” for one afternoon.
I would rather not unplug it, though. I wanted to see if I could track all of the openings and closings from a party. And it’d be nice to be able to change the light even remotely in case he wants to change it again and I’m not around.
So is there a fast way to turn it off using code or an app?
Or maybe I’ll just tape over it? Rather not get my core sticky.