How to use rs485

is it possible to use rs485 directly with a boron or do I need some kind of converter?

You'll need additional hardware that does the voltage and half-duplex conversion, but it's inexpensive.

so i got the converters and have two of them talking between an Arduino and a Boron. I'm now trying to get it to work with the 7in1 soil sensor, but I am having problems. The command byte is been sent but the sensor is not responding. I am almost sure that the command byte is correct as it is from the datasheet so I think that the problem is with the communication.
this is my code:

#include <Particle.h>

#define SSerialTxControl 2   //when this pin is HIGH the transmitter is on
#define SSerialRxControl 3   //when this pin is HIGH the reserve is off

#define RS485Transmit    HIGH
#define RS485Receive     LOW

void setup() {
    pinMode(SSerialTxControl, OUTPUT);
    pinMode(SSerialRxControl, OUTPUT);
    digitalWrite(SSerialTxControl, RS485Receive);

void loop(){
    const byte queryData[] = {0x01, 0x03, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x04, 0x44, 0x09}; //the command byte
    byte receivedData[19];
    digitalWrite(SSerialTxControl, RS485Transmit);//enabling the transmitter
    digitalWrite(SSerialRxControl, RS485Transmit);//disabling the reserve
    Serial1.write(queryData, sizeof(queryData));
    digitalWrite(SSerialTxControl, RS485Receive);  // Disabling the transmitter
    digitalWrite(SSerialRxControl, RS485Receive);//enabling the reserve
    Particle.publish("1", String(Serial1.available()));//checking if there is a response
    if (Serial1.available() >= sizeof(receivedData)) {
        digitalWrite(SSerialTxControl, RS485Receive);
        digitalWrite(SSerialRxControl, RS485Receive);
        for (int i = 0; i < sizeof(receivedData); i++){
            receivedData[i] =;

        // Parse and print the received data in decimal format
        unsigned int soilHumidity = (receivedData[3] << 8) | receivedData[4];
        unsigned int soilTemperature = (receivedData[5] << 8) | receivedData[6];
        unsigned int soilConductivity = (receivedData[7] << 8) | receivedData[8];
        unsigned int soilPH = (receivedData[9] << 8) | receivedData[10];
        unsigned int nitrogen = (receivedData[11] << 8) | receivedData[12];
        unsigned int phosphorus = (receivedData[13] << 8) | receivedData[14];
        unsigned int potassium = (receivedData[15] << 8) | receivedData[16];
        char str[255];
        sprintf(str, "%.1f,%.1f,%.1f,%.1f,%.1f,%.1f,%.1f", soilHumidity, soilTemperature, soilConductivity, soilPH, nitrogen, phosphorus, potassium);
        Particle.publish("2", str);

Please let me know what I need to change to get this working.