7 in 1 soil sensor

I have a soil sensor that uses RS-485 and Modbus-RTU, I have converters for RS-485 to RS-232 but I'm not sure how to use the Modbus library, I get how to initialize the Modbus but I am unsure how to query the registries. The datasheet gives the command query in the pic, does anyone know how to use this command query with the Modbus library?

Hi @isaac2,
Have you had a chance to take a look at this Modbus example? This doc not only gives some background into Modbus, it also includes an example that you can leverage.

I have, but I am unsure how to use the node.readHoldingRegisters(0x0000,2); command with the query byte provided by the datasheet for the sensors

Have you tried changing to the following?
Also, what is the return value for readHoldingRegisters()? That will return success or various fail code defined in ModbusMaster.h. Inspecting the return will give you a sense of where to start troubleshooting.

so I tried the code from the example with the modification you suggested and it retuned the code 226, I am retuning the result with Particle.publish("1", String(result)); in cases that is important

Hi @isaac2 226 decimal is error code 0xE2 which is a response timeout which can be caused by a multitude of issues. Any code snippets you can share will help!

this is the code

 * Project Modbus_Project
 * Description:  Creating a project that communicates with a
 *               peripherial device, temp sensor, using Modbus RTU
 *               over RS485.
 * Author:       Erik Fasnacht
 * Date:         08/25/22
#include "Particle.h"

//! /brief library includes
#include <ModbusMaster.h>
#include "JsonParserGeneratorRK.h"

//! /brief  declarations
#define SUCCESS 1 // success code for modbus
#define FAIL -1	  // fail code for modbus
#define BAUD 9600 // baud rate for modbus and UART
#define MODADDR 1 // sets server (slave) address for modbus
#define SERIAL1 1 // used to select Serial1, RX/TX pins for Modbus

//! /brief global constants
const int RT = D5; // constant for R/T pin set to D5, PWM1 on MikroBUS1

//! /brief global variables
double curHum;	// current humidity (%)
double curTemp; // current temperature (°F)

int result; // modbus error code

int humSet = 40;  // humidity setpoint, preset to 40%
int tempSet = 75; // temperature setpoint, preset to 75°F

int humWindow = 5;	// humidity window, preset to +/- 5%
int tempWindow = 5; // temperature window, preset to +/- 5°F

int senFreq = 60; // sensor publish frequency (in seconds), preset to 60 seconds
int warFreq = 60; // warning publish frequency (in seconds), preset to 60 seconds

//! /brief Other settings

// Name of published event with temperature/humidity information
const char *sensorEventName = "modbus-sensor";

// Name of the published event for error/warning messages. This is typically the
// same as the sensorEventName, but could be different if you prefer.
const char *errorEventName = sensorEventName;

// How often to check the sensor. Default: Every 1 second
const std::chrono::milliseconds checkInterval = 1s; // check sensor every 1 second

//! /brief particle platform initialization
SYSTEM_MODE(AUTOMATIC); // connect app to cloud automatically

SerialLogHandler logHandler;

// To enable more debugging, use this version instead of the one above:
// SerialLogHandler logHandler(LOG_LEVEL_TRACE);

//! /brief modbus initialization
ModbusMaster node(SERIAL1, MODADDR); // selects serial1 port and address id 1

//! /brief forward declarations
int setHumidityWindow(String value);
int setTemperatureWindow(String value);
int temperatureSetpoint(String value);
int humiditySetpoint(String value);
int setPublishFrequency(String value);
int setWarningFrequency(String value);

int getSensorValues();
void publishSensorValues();
void publishWarningMessage(int errorCode = 0);

//! /brief setup loop, only runs once at inital startup
void setup()
	//! setup cloud functions, best practice to do first in setup loop
	Particle.function("HumWindow", setHumidityWindow);	   // set humidity window
	Particle.function("TempWindow", setTemperatureWindow); // set temperature window

	Particle.function("HumSetPoint", humiditySetpoint);		// set humidity set point
	Particle.function("TempSetPoint", temperatureSetpoint); // set temperature set point

	Particle.function("SensorPublish", setPublishFrequency);  // set senor publish frequency (seconds)
	Particle.function("WarningPublish", setWarningFrequency); // set warning publish frequency (seconds)

	//! initialize Modbus communication baud rate and TX pin
	node.begin(BAUD);	  // set baud rate for modbus
	node.enableTXpin(RT); // TX enable pin of RS485 driver

//! /brief main code loop, runs continuously
void loop()
	static unsigned long lastCheck = 0;
	static unsigned long lastSend = 0;
	static unsigned long lastWarning = 0;

	if (millis() - lastCheck >= checkInterval.count())
		lastCheck = millis();

		//! get current temp and humidity and check for modbus comm error
		if (getSensorValues() == SUCCESS) // get current temp and humidity
			//! check for whether temp and humdity is outside of window
			if ((curTemp < (tempSet - tempWindow)) || (curTemp > (tempSet + tempWindow)) || (curHum < (humSet - humWindow)) || (curHum > (humSet + humWindow)))
				if (millis() - lastWarning >= (warFreq * 1000))
					lastWarning = millis();

					//! publish warning message with sensor data
					publishWarningMessage(); // send warning message

			//! temp/humidity within window
				//! publish data at set interval
				if (millis() - lastSend >= (senFreq * 1000))
					lastSend = millis();

					//! publish sensor data
					publishSensorValues(); // send temp and humidity

		//! modbus error occurred
			//! publish data at set interval (same as warning interval)
			if (millis() - lastWarning >= (warFreq * 1000))
				lastWarning = millis();
				publishWarningMessage(result); // send warning message

//! /brief function for reading temp and humidity
int getSensorValues()
	//! local variables
	uint16_t data[2]; // create a 2 element array of 16 bit ints
	double tempC;	  // variable for temp in celcius

	// readHoldingRegisters and readInputRegisters take two parameters:
	// - the register to start reading from
	// - the number of registers to read (1, 2, ...)

	// Some sensors have the temperature and humidity in holding register 0 and 1. If so, use this version:
	result = node.readHoldingRegisters(0x0012,2);
	Particle.publish("1", String(result));

	// Some sensors have the temperature and humidity in input registers 1 and 2. If so, use this version:
	// result = node.readInputRegisters(1, 2);

	// If you get Modbus Read Error 0x02 (ku8MBIllegalDataAddress), you probably have the wrong register
	// or input/holding selection for your sensor.

	//! read was successful
	if (result == node.ku8MBSuccess)
		//! parse response buffer
		for (uint8_t i = 0; i < 2; i++)
			data[i] = node.getResponseBuffer(i);

		curHum = data[0] / 10;		  // humidity received divide by 10
		tempC = data[1] / 10;		  // temp received divide by 10
		curTemp = (tempC * 1.8) + 32; // convert celsuis to fahrenheit

		// debug serial messages
		Log.trace("Hum=%.1f (%% RH), Temp=%.1f (C) =%.1f (F)", curHum, tempC, curTemp);

		return SUCCESS; // return success code

	//! communication failure occured
		// debug serial messages
		Log.info("Modbus Read Error 0x%02x", result);

		return FAIL; // return fail code

//! /brief function for changing humidity window
//! @param value is a string used for changing the window, value should be a whole integer or null. Example value = 5
int setHumidityWindow(String value)
	//! null case, return current value
	if (value == NULL)
		return humWindow; // return current value

	//! update to new value passed and return new value
		humWindow = value.toInt(); // set new volue to global variable
		Log.info("humWindow=%d", humWindow);
		return humWindow; // return new value

//! /brief function for changing temperature window
//! @param value is a string used for changing the window, value should be a whole integer or null. Example value = 5
int setTemperatureWindow(String value)
	//! null case, return current value
	if (value == NULL)
		return tempWindow; // return current value

	//! update to new value passed and return new value
		tempWindow = value.toInt(); // set new volue to global variable
		Log.info("tempWindow=%d", tempWindow);
		return tempWindow; // return new value

//! /brief function for changing temperature set point
//! @param value is a string used for changing the set point, value should be a whole integer or null. Example value = 75
int temperatureSetpoint(String value)
	//! null case, return current value
	if (value == NULL)
		return tempSet; // return current value

	//! update to new value passed and return new value
		tempSet = value.toInt(); // set new volue to global variable
		Log.info("tempSet=%d", tempSet);
		return tempSet; // return new value

//! /brief function for changing humidity set point
//! @param value is a string used for changing the set point, value should be a whole integer or null. Example value = 45
int humiditySetpoint(String value)
	//! null case, return current value
	if (value == NULL)
		return humSet; // return current value

	//! update to new value passed and return new value
		humSet = value.toInt(); // set new volue to global variable
		Log.info("humSet=%d", humSet);
		return humSet; // return new value

//! /brief function for changing the sensor publish frequency in seconds
//! @param value is a string used for changing the frequency, value should be a whole integer or null. Example value = 60
int setPublishFrequency(String value)
	//! null case, return current value
	if (value == NULL)
		return senFreq; // return current value

	//! update to new value passed and return new value
		senFreq = value.toInt(); // set new volue to global variable
		Log.info("senFreq=%d", senFreq);
		return senFreq; // return new value

//! /brief function for changing the warning publish frequency
//! @param value is a string used for changing the frequency, value should be a whole integer or null. Example value = 20
int setWarningFrequency(String value)
	//! null case, return current value
	if (value == NULL)
		return warFreq; // return current value

	//! update to new value passed and return new value
		warFreq = value.toInt(); // set new volue to global variable
		Log.info("warFreq=%d", warFreq);
		return warFreq; // return new value

//! /brief function to publish the sensor state to cloud in JSON
void publishSensorValues()
	//! create JSON buffer and write values to it
	JsonWriterStatic<256> jw; // creates a 256 byte buffer to write JSON to
		JsonWriterAutoObject obj(&jw);									  // creates an object to pass JSON
		jw.insertKeyValue("Temperature", curTemp);						  // set field for temperature
		jw.insertKeyValue("Humidity", curHum);							  // set field for humidity
		jw.insertKeyValue("Time", Time.format(TIME_FORMAT_ISO8601_FULL)); // set field for time stamp

	Log.info("%s %s", sensorEventName, jw.getBuffer());

	//! send publish only if cloud is connected
	if (Particle.connected() == TRUE)
		Particle.publish(sensorEventName, jw.getBuffer());

//! /brief function to publish the sensor state to cloud in JSON
void publishWarningMessage(int errorCode)
	//! create JSON buffer and write values to it
	JsonWriterStatic<256> jw; // creates a 256 byte buffer to write JSON to
		JsonWriterAutoObject obj(&jw);

		if (errorCode == 0)
			jw.insertKeyValue("Warning", "Out of Range"); // set field for warning message
			jw.insertKeyValue("Temperature", curTemp);	  // set field for temperature
			jw.insertKeyValue("Humidity", curHum);		  // set field for humidity
			jw.insertKeyValue("Warning", "Modbus Read Error"); // set field for warning message
			jw.insertKeyValue("ErrorCode", errorCode);
		jw.insertKeyValue("Time", Time.format(TIME_FORMAT_ISO8601_FULL)); // set field for time stamp

	Log.info("%s %s", errorEventName, jw.getBuffer());

	//! send publish only if cloud is connected
	if (Particle.connected() == TRUE)
		Particle.publish(errorEventName, jw.getBuffer());

Hi @isaac2!

Can you share the model or part number of your sensor? Different sensors use different baud rates. The one configured on your sample code is 9600 but maybe your sensor is using a different one.

except for it been called a "type 485 soil sensor" in the datasheet i can't give a part or model number but the factory default baud rate is 9600

Hi, since you got a timeout error back, maybe you can check and double check the wiring of your sensor with the Particle device?

And if you wanted other pairs of eyes to check that as well, can you provide a schematic/napkin diagram of your connections?



In part of checking the wiring I was able to get the data from the converter the output is below

the image is the schematic

Hi, I'm not clear from the above if your issue is solved or not, mind clarifying? Sounds like it improved though. Thanks!

I think we are close to solving this! when I converted the numbers retuned by the Arduino when I was testing the converters, to hex they matched the byte in the datasheet but the returned code is still 226.

by the way @erik.fasnacht was there a specific reason you gave the number 0x0012?

is there any difference between sending the command with Modbus and sending the command with Serial1.wirte?

@isaac2 that value was pulled from the picture provided from the data sheet (initial address). There shouldn't be a difference between sending the command with the Modbus library vs writing your own over Serial1.write(). However, the Modbus library should handle the TX and RX conversion along with the read/transmit pin found on most converters vs having to manually write the code. Hope this helps!

the Modbus library should handle the TX and RX conversion along with the read/transmit pin found on most converters
what do you mean by "Modbus library should handle the TX and RX conversion"?

with RS-485 A goes to A and B goes to B, it isn't reversed like with UART?

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