I want to send a value to the cloud via a mobile app and this value I want it’s going to be the analogWrite value of a led. I want start with the led at maximum.
I did that but i think it’s not well done. A function can’t recive an int, must recibe a string, can it?
How can I do that?
Thank you so much, and sorry for my mistakes.
I'm not sure what this is but pinMode() is used to set the mode of the specified pin, for example INPUT or OUTPUT. Also, analogWrite(), by default, takes a value between 0 and 255. Your code should look like this:
pinMode(led2, OUTPUT);
analogWrite(led2,255); // Full ON LED
Particle.function(), is passed a String object so your callback function definition needs to look like:
int ledToggleAnalog(String value) {
Assuming you pass a numerical value (between 0 and 255) while calling the Particle.function(), then your code needs to convert the String to an integer value:
int ledToggleAnalog(String value) {
// Convert the ascii representation (string) of the value to an integer
int val = value.toInt();
if (val < 0 || val > 255) //check if within acceptable range
return -1; // return -1 to indicate error
return 1;
Make sure to add a current limiting resistor (150 - 1K ohms) in series with your LED on pin A5 or you may damage the Photon GPIO pin. Also note that LED brightness will not be linear over the PWM range (0-255) of the analog output. I highly recommend you read the documentation on the various functions you are using.
Below the WebIDE you will find example sketches - the example number 2 fits perfectly for your purpose: Web-Controlled LED - recommendation for transparency.
@fcabana, in the Arduino world, the digital PWM output is considered “analog” (loosely said). In electronics, true analog is obtained via a DAC (digital to analog).