@Dave Can help clarify on the JSON string issues.
Yes, I get separate table columns placed into the Azure Table storage and here is what my code and JSON Template look like to do that:
Here is the code I'm testing on a Photon:
char Org[] = "My_ORGANIZATION";
char Disp[] = "Particle Photon";
char Locn[] = "Fishers, IN";
const char* cityLocation = "Fishers"; //City for my Photon
const char* stateLocation = "IN"; // State for my Photon
int SOC = 95;
float Voltage = 12.80;
float Current = 5.25;
float TTG = 35.4;
float Temperature = 81.3;
float SolarVin = 24.2;
float SolarVmp = 19.2;
float SolarW = 56.2;
// The on-board LED
int led = D7;
void setup() {
pinMode(led, OUTPUT);
void loop() {
char payload[255];
// Turn the LED ON
digitalWrite(led, HIGH);
snprintf(payload, sizeof(payload), "{ \"s\": %d, \"v\": %.2f, \"i\": %.2f, \"t\": %.2f,\"f\": %.2f, \"s\": %.2f, \"m\": %.2f, \"w\": %.2f,\"l\":\"%s\" }", SOC, Voltage, Current, TTG, Temperature, SolarVin, SolarVmp, SolarW, Locn);
// Spark.publish("AzureElectron", payload, NO_ACK); //The NO_ACK is currently only working with RC 0.6.0 rc1 firmware. This is just a test. For Electron
Particle.publish("Azure_IOT_Almost", payload, PRIVATE);
// Turn the LED off
digitalWrite(led, LOW);
And here is how I have the Azure IoT Hub setup with custom JSON formatting to get the data fields into separate columns in Azure Table Storage:
Then using this Azure Stream Analytics Query:
I get data in separate columns in the Azure Table Database:
Does that help you any?