Hello. I’ve been struggling for a few weeks to get a stable Cellular connection on the Electron and I failed.
I’m using a third party SIM. At first I thought the Automatic Mode should do the hard work for me, but it didn’t. After a few hours of normal operation, the code would hang and the Electron stays offline but breathing Cyan. I was publishing data via MQTT every 3 seconds so I assumed there was no keepalive needed. (I tested the code with the keepalive and it behaves the same) I then read about System Threading and after enabling it at least I had control back to my code so I could detect the fault, but I was unable to recover from it.
I did some tests with Semi-automatic Mode and Manual Mode with similar results. In my final test version I tried to connect to the MQTT broker only, without connecting to the Particle Cloud, but it didn’t give better results. The only way to recover from a connection fault is to call System.reset() but that’s not acceptable because I want the output pins to remain stable. I could get anywhere between 15 minutes to 4 hours of reliable operation with the following code.
I will appreciate any suggestions.
#include "MQTT-TLS.h"
//setup for third party SIM card
#include "cellular_hal.h"
STARTUP(cellular_credentials_set("net", "", "", NULL));
const char TLScertificate[] = R"(-----BEGIN CERTIFICATE-----
-----END CERTIFICATE-----)";
#define MQTT_USER "user"
#define MQTT_PASSWORD "password"
#define LED D7 //on board led
#define CHARGER_OUT D6 //charger out
#define READ_METER_INTERVAL_ENABLED 3000 //read meter interval when charger is enabled
#define READ_METER_INTERVAL_DISABLED 20000 //read meter interval when charger is disabled
const String enable_cmd = "c1";
const String disable_cmd = "c2";
const String reset_cmd = "c3";
const String charger_enabled = "r1";
const String charger_disabled = "r2";
const String charger_reset = "r3";
const String unrecognized_command = "r4";
const String energy_meter_error = "e1";
const String reconnected = "e2";
const String power_fault = "e3";
enum EReadMeter
EReadMeter_Failed = -1, //Read meter failed
EReadMeter_Skipped = 0, //Read meter skiped
EReadMeter_Success = 1 //Read meter success
void receiveMsg(char* topic, byte* payload, unsigned int length);
void commandParse(String command);
//MQTT setup
byte server[] = { 0,0,0,0 };
MQTT client(server, 0, receiveMsg);
String coreId;
ApplicationWatchdog wd(100000, System.reset);
double current = 1.234;
double voltage = 227.3;
long long energy = 10;
String energyString;
EReadMeter readResult = EReadMeter_Skipped;
bool reconnectedFlag = true;
bool chargerEnabled = false;
class PowerCheck {
virtual ~PowerCheck();
* You must call this out of setup() to initialize the interrupt handler!
void setup();
* Returns true if the Electron has power, either a USB host (computer), USB charger, or VIN power.
* Not interrupt or timer safe; call only from the main loop as it uses I2C to query the PMIC.
bool getHasPower();
* Returns true if the Electron has a battery.
bool getHasBattery();
* Returns true if the Electron is currently charging (red light on)
* Not interrupt or timer safe; call only from the main loop as it uses I2C to query the PMIC.
bool getIsCharging();
void interruptHandler();
PMIC pmic;
volatile bool hasBattery = true;
volatile unsigned long lastChange = 0;
PowerCheck::PowerCheck() {
PowerCheck::~PowerCheck() {
void PowerCheck::setup() {
// This can't be part of the constructor because it's initialized too early.
// Call this from setup() instead.
attachInterrupt(LOW_BAT_UC, &PowerCheck::interruptHandler, this, FALLING);
bool PowerCheck::getHasPower() {
// Bit 2 (mask 0x4) == PG_STAT. If non-zero, power is good
// This means we're powered off USB or VIN, so we don't know for sure if there's a battery
byte systemStatus = pmic.getSystemStatus();
return ((systemStatus & 0x04) != 0);
* Returns true if the Electron has a battery.
bool PowerCheck::getHasBattery() {
if (millis() - lastChange < 100) {
// When there is no battery, the charge status goes rapidly between fast charge and
// charge done, about 30 times per second.
// Normally this case means we have no battery, but return hasBattery instead to take
// care of the case that the state changed because the battery just became charged
// or the charger was plugged in or unplugged, etc.
return hasBattery;
else {
// It's been more than a 100 ms. since the charge status changed, assume that there is
// a battery
return true;
* Returns true if the Electron is currently charging (red light on)
bool PowerCheck::getIsCharging() {
if (getHasBattery()) {
byte systemStatus = pmic.getSystemStatus();
// Bit 5 CHRG_STAT[1] R
// Bit 4 CHRG_STAT[0] R
// 00 – Not Charging, 01 – Pre-charge (<VBATLOWV), 10 – Fast Charging, 11 – Charge Termination Done
byte chrgStat = (systemStatus >> 4) & 0x3;
// Return true if battery is charging if in pre-charge or fast charge mode
return (chrgStat == 1 || chrgStat == 2);
else {
// Does not have a battery, can't be charging.
// Don't just return the charge status because it's rapidly switching
// between charging and done when there is no battery.
return false;
void PowerCheck::interruptHandler() {
if (millis() - lastChange < 100) {
// We very recently had a change; assume there is no battey and we're rapidly switching
// between fast charge and charge done
hasBattery = false;
else {
// Note: It's quite possible that hasBattery will be false when there is a battery; the logic
// in getHasBattery() takes this into account by checking lastChange as well.
hasBattery = true;
lastChange = millis();
PowerCheck powerCheck;
String getCoreID()
String coreIdentifier = "";
char id[12];
memcpy(id, (char *)ID1, 12);
char hex_digit;
for (int i = 0; i < 12; ++i)
hex_digit = 48 + (id[i] >> 4);
if (57 < hex_digit)
hex_digit += 39;
coreIdentifier = coreIdentifier + hex_digit;
hex_digit = 48 + (id[i] & 0xf);
if (57 < hex_digit)
hex_digit += 39;
coreIdentifier = coreIdentifier + hex_digit;
return coreIdentifier;
void receiveMsg(char* topic, byte* payload, unsigned int length)
char p[length + 1];
memcpy(p, payload, length);
p[length] = '\0';
String message(p);
void commandParse(String command)
//enable charging
if (command.equals(enable_cmd))
digitalWrite(LED, HIGH);
digitalWrite(CHARGER_OUT, HIGH);
//publish response
client.publish(coreId + "/command_response", charger_enabled);
chargerEnabled = true;
//disable charging
else if (command.equals(disable_cmd))
digitalWrite(LED, LOW);
digitalWrite(CHARGER_OUT, LOW);
//publish response
client.publish(coreId + "/command_response", charger_disabled);
chargerEnabled = false;
//remote reset
else if (command.equals(reset_cmd))
client.publish(coreId + "/command_response", charger_reset);
//unrecognized command
client.publish(coreId + "/command_response", unrecognized_command);
String int64ToString(long long value)
char outbuf[21]{};
char *o = &outbuf[sizeof(outbuf) - 2];
if(value == 0)
*o = '0';
} else
while(value > 0)
*o = (value % 10) + '0';
value /= 10;
return String(o + 1);
EReadMeter readMeter()
static unsigned long readPrevMillis;
unsigned long currentMillis = millis();
EReadMeter result = EReadMeter_Skipped;
unsigned long readInterval;
if (chargerEnabled)
} else
if (currentMillis - readPrevMillis > readInterval)
result = EReadMeter_Success;
readPrevMillis = currentMillis;
energyString = int64ToString(energy);
return result;
bool publishData()
bool result = true;
if (client.isConnected())
if (readResult == EReadMeter_Failed)
result = client.publish(coreId + "/errors", energy_meter_error) && result;
} else
//publish meter data
result = client.publish(coreId + "/energy", energyString) && result;
result = client.publish(coreId + "/current", String(current)) && result;
result = client.publish(coreId + "/voltage", String(voltage)) && result;
//report erorrs
if (!powerCheck.getHasPower())
result = client.publish(coreId + "/errors", power_fault) && result;
if (reconnectedFlag)
reconnectedFlag = false;
client.publish(coreId + "/debug", "connected in publishData");
result = client.publish(coreId + "/errors", reconnected) && result;
//client is disconnected
result = false;
return result;
void setup()
RGB.color(0, 255, 0);
pinMode(LED, OUTPUT);
digitalWrite(LED, LOW);
digitalWrite(CHARGER_OUT, LOW);
if (!waitFor(Cellular.ready, 60000))
coreId = getCoreID();
client.enableTls(TLScertificate, sizeof(TLScertificate));
// connect to the server
client.connect(coreId, MQTT_USER, MQTT_PASSWORD);
if(!waitFor(client.isConnected, 20000))
client.publish(coreId + "/debug", "connected in setup");
client.subscribe(coreId + "/command");
void loop()
static int publishFails;
//read meter
readResult = readMeter();
//publish data via MQTT and count fails for error handling
if (readResult != EReadMeter_Skipped)
if (chargerEnabled)
current = 1.234;
} else
current = 0;
if (publishData())
publishFails = 0;
if (publishFails > 1)
Cellular.command(30000, "AT+CFUN=16\r\n");
if (!waitFor(Cellular.ready, 60000))
RGB.color(255, 0, 0);
client.enableTls(TLScertificate, sizeof(TLScertificate));
// connect to the server
client.connect(coreId, MQTT_USER, MQTT_PASSWORD);
if (waitFor(client.isConnected, 10000))
client.publish(coreId + "/debug", "connected in loop");
client.publish(coreId + "/errors", reconnected);
client.subscribe(coreId + "/command");
} else
RGB.color(255, 255, 0);
publishFails = 0;
//MQTT listener
if (client.isConnected())