How firmware v0.4.4 affects libraries

Hi folks!

We’re really excited to release v0.4.4, but we’ve also noticed that it can cause a couple of issues with libraries (and code more broadly). The known problems are using PIN_MAP and #include “pinmap_impl.h"- both primarily used when adding Photon compatibility with Core code in things that use very low-level calls. You can fix the compile error and retain functionality by replacing PIN_MAP with PIN_MAP2 to eliminate a name collision and remove #include “pinmap_impl.h"

Here’s an example of fixed code from Neopixel that also allows different behaviors on Cores and Photons:

#if PLATFORM_ID == 0 // Core
  #define pinLO(_pin) (PIN_MAP[_pin].gpio_peripheral->BRR = PIN_MAP[_pin].gpio_pin)
  #define pinHI(_pin) (PIN_MAP[_pin].gpio_peripheral->BSRR = PIN_MAP[_pin].gpio_pin)
#elif PLATFORM_ID == 6 // Photon
  //#include "pinmap_impl.h"
  STM32_Pin_Info* PIN_MAP2 = HAL_Pin_Map(); // Pointer required for highest access speed
  #define pinLO(_pin) (PIN_MAP2[_pin].gpio_peripheral->BSRRH = PIN_MAP2[_pin].gpio_pin)
  #define pinHI(_pin) (PIN_MAP2[_pin].gpio_peripheral->BSRRL = PIN_MAP2[_pin].gpio_pin)
  #error "*** PLATFORM_ID not supported by this library. PLATFORM should be Core or Photon ***"
// fast pin access
#define pinSet(_pin, _hilo) (_hilo ? pinHI(_pin) : pinLO(_pin))

The Neopixel, InternetButton, and deprecated SparkButton libraries have been fixed and the changes pushed out to the already in-use instances of those libraries. If you find other code or libraries that used to work but were broken by the update, post them here!


@Dick, how long does it usually take for new releases to make it on the webIDE?

Jumped the gun slightly, the update is still being applied :wink: It’s scheduled up be live in the next hour.


@dick, is there a way to tell from the webIDE or particleDev what revision is active without having to flash it to a device?

Hey @wesner0019 there currently isn’t an easy way to tell- that’s an update that’s coming soon. Also coming soon is that v0.4.4 firmware update- sounds like there are still some concerns that need to be tested, so we’re holding off. I’m going to unpin this topic until it’s going out.

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