Honeywell H1H6131 Stops Updating [SOLVED]

Using a Photon and Wire built-in package I am reading a Honeywell Temp/Humidistat over I2C. At the same time I am using I2C to write to an Adafruit LED mini matrix. After the first update following a power cycle the Honeywell device appears to freeze both temp and humidity.

There are two possibilities I have found by browsing:

  1. The following suggests that the Honeywell H1H6131 is crappy and stops working by getting stuck like I see. This would be fixed by replacing the device (fairly involved have to disassemble completed project) with a different brand.

2 The following suggests that there is a Wire library issue I can workaround.

I have asked for a code fragment to try this and haven't received a reply yet. This would be quite easy but would leave me uneasy about the basic reliability.

I post here now in hopes somebody has some guidance for me, or just follow me along through the struggle.

Thanks for looking.

FYI the code (not showing the Adafruit stuff)

#define TEMP_SENSOR 0x27                    // Temp sensor bus address
#define readDelay       5000                // Sensor read wait, ms
#define TEMPCAL -8                          // Calibrate temp sense, F
bool                read;               // Read, T/F
double              temp            = 0.0;  // Sensed temp, F
int                 tempInt         = 0;    // Sensed integer temperature, F
void loop()
    unsigned long       now = millis();     // Keep track of time
    static unsigned int lastRead = 0;    // Last read time, ms
    read = (now-lastRead) >= readDelay;
    if ( read ) lastRead = now;
// Read sensors
    if ( read )
        Wire.requestFrom(TEMP_SENSOR, 4, true); // request 4 bytes information
        uint8_t b       =;
        uint8_t bend    = Wire.endTransmission();
        I2C_Status      = bend;
        int rawHum      = (b << 8) & 0x3f00;
        rawHum          |;
        hum             = roundf(rawHum / 163.83);
        int rawTemp     = ( << 6) & 0x3fc0;
        rawTemp         | >> 2;
        temp            = (float(rawTemp)*165.0/16383.0 - 40.0)*1.8 + 32.0 + TEMPCAL; // convert to fahrenheit and calibrate
        tempInt         = roundf(temp);

Fixed it. Somehow during troubleshooting original build I rearranged the code sequence to delete “Wire.beginTransmission” statement. Below is a fragment that actually works.

 if ( read )
        Wire.requestFrom(TEMP_SENSOR, 4);
        uint8_t b   =;
        I2C_Status  = b >> 6;
        int rawHum  = (b << 8) & 0x3f00;
        rawHum      |;
        hum         = roundf(rawHum / 163.83);
        int rawTemp = ( << 6) & 0x3fc0;
        rawTemp     | >> 2;
        temp        = (float(rawTemp)*165.0/16383.0 - 40.0)*1.8 + 32.0 + TEMPCAL; // convert to fahrenheit and calibrate
        tempInt     = roundf(temp);