Wrong reading value for DH22 & get stuck after running for a while

I don’t know what are are working on I just wanted to provide a “share” to the community, incase you are looking for a sensor that won’t give you headaches down the road.

imho the DHT22 good sensor for tinkering, and that’s about it. I evaluated a bunch of sensors early this year and all the DHT22 sensors got hung up eventually (regardless of the different libraries of code). I got some to just all together break, granted I was pretty tough on them in our temp and RH chamber (-20 - 70C ~30-95% RH cycled continuously for about a month). Also they where the least repeatable of the sensors I evaluated (sensor to sensor difference). Honeywells are good sensors but expensive, the winner of my testing (and the one I am using for my day job) is the si7021 by silicon labs. It uses i2c and “just worked” it was very accurate and had better pricing than honeywell… The best part… It never “hung” not once in 1 month of testing, no special library, just Wire., it just happily provided temp and RH everytime I polled it (once a second). I will be ordering sensor boards in about a week (tiny board with a si7021 and a 4 pin 0.1 pin header (VCC, SCL, SDA, GND) holler if you want one.