Help with Timer function

I want to use Timer to call a function that actuates my servo. However, I do not want to create a new class and complicate the setup with .h and .cpp files. The compiler does not like the use of “this” for the class instance, but since I am working with just setup(), loop(), and member functions, I don’t know how to properly construct the timer objects. I have attached my full program below.

int motor(){
    return 1;
int motorReset(){
    return 1;

int cycleP(String command){
        Timer t(5, motor(), *this, true);
        Timer t2(30, motorReset(), *this, true);
        return 1;    
    else return -1;

full program

#include "Particle.h"
//following 2 lines from Particle support regarding problem with functions publishing

Servo myservo; //unlike arduino, servo is in Particle.h so no need for #include <Servo.h>

int pos = 0;
int led1 = A5; //pin headers are treates as ints - this is why you have to read the OS API documentation! 

int cycleP(String command);
int testFunction(String arg);

unsigned long old_time = 0; //can also use uint32_t from C standard - unsigned 32 bit int
unsigned long old_time2 = 0;
//we need this in order to implement "soft delay" with millis() rather than "hard" delay()

//functions in setup are only run once - via OS API it is recommended to declare "cloud functions" as soon as possible 
//setup is also where you want to declare hardware "attaches" such assigning pins to LEDs, pumps, switches, relays, etc.
void setup(){
Particle.function("onOff", cycleP);
Particle.function("inputTest", testFunction);


pinMode(led1, OUTPUT);

void loop(){
    //following 2 if statements make the LED turn on for 1 sec then off for 5 - this allows me to know when updated firmware has flashed and device is online
        digitalWrite(led1, LOW);
        old_time = millis();
        digitalWrite(led1, HIGH);
        old_time2 = millis();

int testFunction(String arg){
    return 1;
    else return -1;
int motor(){
    return 1;
int motorReset(){
    return 1;

int cycleP(String command){
        Timer t(5, motor(), *this, true);
        Timer t2(30, motorReset(), *this, true);
        return 1;    
    else return -1;

I was just trying *this, usually I would use just this

@ScruffR Maybe you’ve seen this before. Thanks again with your help on my first post.

That very much depends on where you are using it.

this is a pointer to an object itself but whether you need to use this or *this or this->... depends on the context in which you use it.

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Sorry, I meant to tag you on the post not the comment

BTW, you are instantiating the timers inside a function so they will vanish once you fall out of that function.

You’d also only use this overload for timer instantiation from within an class member - this is not the case here.

Ah yes “function scope”. I will try a different constructor and initialize earlier.

You can have global timers and set their period later on inside your function.

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