Following the AQMK tutorial here Have assembled the hardware and entered code (see below) for the dust sensor and air quality sensor according to the tutorial. The code compiles and uploads without error. I have established connection to the Grove Air Quality Sensor but can not get it to return a value other than “None”.
The serial monitor shows that the dust sensor is working correctly, the air quality sensor seems to initialize but does not return appropriate values. The getAirQuality function returns “None” as long as the sketch is running.
Have I made some mistake in the code, do I have a bad air quality sensor, other ideas?
#include "math.h"
#include "Air_Quality_Sensor.h"
#define AQS_PIN A2
AirQualitySensor aqSensor(AQS_PIN);
unsigned long lastInterval;
unsigned long lowpulseoccupancy = 0;
unsigned long last_lpo = 0;
unsigned long duration;
float ratio = 0;
float concentration = 0;
// setup() runs once, when the device is first turned on.
void setup() {
// Put initialization like pinMode and begin functions here.
lastInterval = millis();
if (aqSensor.init())
Serial.println("Air Quality Sensor ready.");
Serial.println("Air Quality Sensor ERROR!");
// loop() runs over and over again, as quickly as it can execute.
void loop() {
// The core of your code will likely live here.
duration = pulseIn(DUST_SENSOR_PIN, LOW);
lowpulseoccupancy = lowpulseoccupancy + duration;
if ((millis() - lastInterval) > SENSOR_READING_INTERVAL)
lowpulseoccupancy = 0;
lastInterval = millis();
String quality = getAirQuality();
Serial.printlnf("Air Quality: %s", quality.c_str());
void getDustSensorReadings()
if (lowpulseoccupancy == 0)
lowpulseoccupancy = last_lpo;
last_lpo = lowpulseoccupancy;
ratio = lowpulseoccupancy / (SENSOR_READING_INTERVAL * 10.0);
concentration = 1.1 * pow(ratio, 3) - 3.8 * pow(ratio, 2) + 520 * ratio + 0.62;
Serial.printlnf("LPO: %d", lowpulseoccupancy);
Serial.printlnf("Ratio: %f%%", ratio);
Serial.printlnf("concentration: %f pcs/L", concentration);
String getAirQuality()
int quality = aqSensor.slope();
String qual = "None";
if (quality == AirQualitySensor::FORCE_SIGNAL)
qual = "Danger";
else if (quality == AirQualitySensor::HIGH_POLLUTION)
qual == "High Pollution";
else if (quality == AirQualitySensor::LOW_POLLUTION)
qual == "Low Pollution";
else if (quality == AirQualitySensor::FRESH_AIR)
qual == "Fresh Air";
return qual;