I need to get GPS lat, long from my Tracker One device. I have tried a couple of libraries like AssetTracker, TinyGPS++ but was not able to publish, or even when did was of (0.0000,0.0000)
Here is a snippet of my code, where i am getting temp data using thermister lib.
Looking for help on how to get lat/long here
Thank You!
Yes, i have seen this firmware code, it did not compile for me, maybe I am not using the correct library import. Also wanted to add, how do we publish the output “loc” event using Particle.publish();
Thanks Gustavo, But i get a compile error (shown above). Is it possible to run the same from WebIDE? If so, which library do I need to import? I am following this code, which i also need to publish to an event (Webhook)
Do you have a space in a directory name? That will cause builds to fail in Workbench. Not just the directory that the source is contained in, but also any directory above that.
Thanks @rickkas7 , directory name above did have space.
Thanks @gusgonnet , to fasten the process now, I just flashed version 11 binary from CLI. I am getting the data, but it doesn’t have lat/long (maybe i will flash version 10 bin back)
Also can you please help me on how to publish to an event? I believe I’ll need to modify the main.cpp file ?
"lck":0 means the GNSS (GPS) does not have a lock yet; the GNSS LED is not yet solid blue.
Make sure the Tracker One is facing up, that is to say the LEDs face up, and you may need to adjust the positioning for a better view of the sky, for example in a window.
Yes Thanks @rickkas7, I am getting proper Data now.
Can you please guide me on how do I publish this to an event now? Instead of using SerialLogHandler, I would like to publish data to an event (my webhook is already in place).
Eg: Particle.publish("data",loc,60,PRIVATE);
Is there any document on how to cloud compile version 11 ?