We are using B524 and M.2 SOM evaluation board. Is there a way to do Modbus RTU on this particular hardware configuration or should we have to use any additional hardware.
There is no CAN controller on the M.2 SoM eval board. We recommend using the MCP2515 and or MCP25625 as this is the CAN controller used on the Tracker SoM and there is good software support for it.
You can either get one on a breakout board and use the M.2 SoM eval board, or you can use the Mikroe CAN click and their M.2 SoM base board.
@rickkas7 no we are not looking CAN but for rs485 port
Oops, sorry about that. You just need the Modbus transceiver; any one with 3.3V logic levels will work. You can use the B524 hardware UART (Serial1
) and a software library to implement Modbus.
There is also a Mikroe click shield for RS485.
Hi @rickkas7, Thank you for your swift response! I was wondering if we could use a TCP-to-RS485 converter like this converter to read data using the board. The idea is to connect the converter to the Ethernet port on the board, which would then interface with Modbus RTU devices. Also, are there any built-in libraries available for handling this communication setup?