I am wanting to send a variable string from one Photon to another. I know there is the Spark.variable that can do that, but it doesn’t send it to the other Photon, you have to access it with a browser. Is my task possible using publish/subscribe? Or is there something else I need to do?
@Leon, that is one of the reasons why Spark.publish() and Spark.subscribe() exist! So yes, your task is actually BEST done with those functions IF you use the Particle Cloud.
@peekay123, First of all thank you for the quick response, and secondly would you mind giving me a hand?
I have this for my publishing code:
int incomingByte;
void setup() {
void loop() {
String content = "";
char character;
/* if (Serial.available() > 0) {
// read the incoming byte:
//lcd.print("I received: ");
incomingByte = Serial.read();
// say what you got:
} */
while(Serial1.available() > 0) {
character = Serial1.read();
Spark.publish("pubdata", content , PRIVATE)
and this for my receiving code:
int i = 0;
void myHandler(const char *event, const char *content)
//Serial.print(", data: ");
if (content)
void setup()
Spark.subscribe("pub", myHandler, MY_DEVICES);
So using this I was unable to get the second one to receive what the first one was sending and I am unsure why.
@Leon, first I need to point out that the cloud only allows 1 publish per second with bursts of 4 per second (only once). You need to consider that in your loop.
As for the receiver, notice that you publish the event “pubdata” but subscribe to the event “pub”.
Subscribing to “pub” also encompasses “pubdata” since it begins with pub. I have sent information using these variable before and that worked. And ah I forgot about the 1 publish per second. Let me slow down the rate at which it sends.
@Leon, good point on the filter! The issue may be that you swamped the Cloud with Spark.publish() in loop() and the more you send, the bigger the more it gets delayed!
@peekay123 the delay seems to have worked! I must have been flooding the cloud.
Thank you for the help.