Getting hard fault after loading code that used to work

I have a Solar panel for my pool. Last year I had my core monitoring 3 temperature sensors (ambient, water going in to panel, water coming out of panel.) I also had a relay controlling my pump for the collector which i can turn on or off thru IFTTT using a SMS message. The pool temperatures are also published to a google doc and Spark variable to allow me to monitor it using FreeBoard. Everything worked great. Winter came and i repurposed my core.
Now i want to flash my old code to the same core with the same setup, I am getting a Hard Fault error immediately after loading my code. I have 2 cores and have tried flashing both with the same result.
I’m using the web IDE.
I have reloaded tinker and that works however loading my code again results in a hard fault. (using CLI, Windows10)

Below is my code if someone could please look to see if some syntax has changed since i originally Programmed this.

char resultstr[120];
int x, RecordNum;
int AirVar, OutVar, InVar, PumpMem, Delta, DeltaCount;
float AirMem, OutMem, InMem;
float Air,Out,In;
int NewData = 2;
unsigned long oldTime = 0;
char ChangeAir = ' ';
char ChangeOut = ' ';
char ChangeIn = ' ';
char ChangePump = ' ';
int PumpState = 1;

void setup() {
    pinMode(A0, INPUT); // setup A0 as analog input
    pinMode(A1, INPUT); // setup A1 as analog input
    pinMode(A2, INPUT); // setup A2 as analog input
    pinMode(D0, OUTPUT); // setup D2 as digital output
    pinMode(D7, OUTPUT); // setup D7 as digital output

    // expose your char buffer to the Cloud API
    Particle.variable("result", resultstr); 
    Particle.variable("Air", AirVar);
    Particle.variable("Out", OutVar);
    Particle.variable("In", InVar);
    Particle.variable("PumpState", PumpState); 
    Particle.function("Text", FuncText);

void FuncPumpPower() {
    EEPROM.put(10,PumpState);       //Record to eeprom the Pumpstate to recall on power failure
    digitalWrite(D0,!PumpState);    // Turn Pump ON or OFF.  High = OFF / Low = ON
	if (PumpState != PumpMem) {
 		NewData = 1;
  		ChangePump = 'P';
        if(PumpState)                   // Print to dashboard Power State
            Particle.publish("PumpState","On", PRIVATE);
        else if(!PumpState)
            Particle.publish("PumpState","Off", PRIVATE);

// this function automagically gets called upon a matching POST request from IFTTT
int FuncText(String command)
   // look for the matching argument "off" <-- max of 64 characters long
  if (command == "Off") {
    PumpState = 0;
    Particle.publish("TextMsgRecvd","Pump Off", PRIVATE);
    return 1;
  if (command == "On") {
    PumpState = 1;
    Particle.publish("TextMsgRecvd","Pump On", PRIVATE);
    return 1;
      return -1;

void loop() {
    if ((millis() - oldTime) >= 1000) {
        oldTime = millis();
        switch (x) {
            case(1): {
                Air = analogRead(A1);
                Air = analogRead(A1)*3.3/4095.0;
			    Air = ((Air - 0.5)*100)+1;

            case(6): {
		        In = analogRead(A2);
		        In = analogRead(A2)*3.3/4095.0;
			    In = ((In - 0.5)*100)+1;
            case(11): {
            	Out = analogRead(A0);
            	Out = analogRead(A0)*3.3/4095.0;
		    	Out = ((Out - 0.5)*100)+1;

            case(16): {

            case(21): {
		        if (((Air - AirMem) > 1) || ((AirMem - Air) > 1)) {
	    	    	NewData = 1;
	    	    	ChangeAir = 'A';
	    	    	String strTemp = String(AirMem);
                    Particle.publish("OldAirTemp",strTemp, PRIVATE);
			        strTemp = String(Air);
                    Particle.publish("NewAirTemp",strTemp, PRIVATE);
	        	if (((In - InMem) > 1) || ((InMem - In) > 1)) {
	          		NewData = 1;
	          		ChangeIn = 'I';
        		    String strTemp = String(InMem);
        		    Particle.publish("OldInTemp",strTemp, PRIVATE);
        		    strTemp = String(In);
        		    Particle.publish("NewInTemp",strTemp, PRIVATE);
	    	    if (((Out - OutMem) > 1) || ((OutMem - Out) > 1)) {
    			    NewData = 1;
    			    ChangeOut = 'O';
        		    String strTemp = String(OutMem);
        		    Particle.publish("OldOutTemp",strTemp, PRIVATE);
    	       	    strTemp = String(Out);
        		    Particle.publish("NewOutTemp",strTemp, PRIVATE);

                if (NewData == 1) {
        		    AirMem = Air;
        			OutMem = Out;
        			InMem = In;
        			PumpMem = PumpState;
        		    AirVar = Air;
        			OutVar = Out;
        			InVar = In;
        			if ((Out - In) > 1) {           // Delta needs to only show a positive for sms reasons must be 2 degrees or more to change
        			   if(DeltaCount > 100) {
        			        Delta = Out - In;
        			        Particle.publish("Delta","Heating", PRIVATE);
        			if (((Out-In) <= 0) && (Delta != 0)) {  //  delta shows zero
        			   Delta = 0;
        			   DeltaCount = 0;
        			   Particle.publish("Delta","Cooling", PRIVATE);
        			EEPROM.put(9,RecordNum);       //Record to eeprom the RecordNum to recall on power failure
        			// format your data as JSON, don't forget to escape the double quotes
     			    sprintf(resultstr, "%d,%d,%.1f,%.1f,%.1f,%c%c%c%c", RecordNum, PumpState, Air, In, Out, ChangePump, ChangeAir, ChangeIn, ChangeOut);
     			    Particle.publish("NewRecord",resultstr, PRIVATE);

     			    NewData = 0;
     			    ChangeAir = ' ';
     			    ChangeOut = ' ';
     			    ChangeIn = ' ';
     			    ChangePump = ' ';
     			else {
     			    sprintf(resultstr, "%d,%d,%.1f,%.1f,%.1f", RecordNum, PumpState, Air, In, Out);
     			    Particle.publish("RecPumpAirInOut",resultstr, PRIVATE);


            case(30): {
	            x = 0;
            default: {

void Initalize() {

STARTUP( Initalize() );

You could backtrack the system versions you previously had targeted and you can also add some Serial.print() statememts to find out how far your code runs before the panic.

You can also try to reapply the CC3000 update.

Thanks. Backtracking the system version worked