Hi all,
I’ve recently bought a Photon and this is my first go at anything like this. I’ve played around with making a little program to flash the onboard LED but my main aim is to connect and control this set of chainable RGB LEDs http://www.pakronics.com.au/products/chainable-rgb-led-40-leds-unit-ss104990028 that I have bought.
I’m currently trying to work out how to wire this up to the photon on the breadboard, but where I’m running into confusion is that all the examples I can see online (including the picture on the product page above) seem to show the LEDs as having 4 wires interconnecting each unit. But as you can see in the pictures below, mine only have 3 and so I’m not sure if I’ve been sent the wrong set or if it’s just going above my head. I tried to look at the data sheet on that product page, but that was pretty beyond me.
(There’s also one red wire coming off the last LED in the chain. I’m not sure what this is either)
If nothing seems wrong with the LEDs then I’d really appreciate some guidance as to how I should be wiring up the LEDs to the Photon. Presumably one of these is power, but given there is only one other I don’t know if it’s data, clock or both? Or if these are just totally different to other examples I’ve seen. FWIW, I tried wiring up the LEDs with red running to 3v3 and white running to D0 and was able to get them to turn on, but I couldn’t seem to get any other colour than blue (trying to use the Adafruit_NeoPixel library).
Any help would be really appreciated!