Firebase Reverse Proxy for Cloud

I wrote a reverse proxy for Firebase Realtime Database events.

I’ve been using Firebase webhooks to persist and retrieve data for connected web apps, without having a great way to pass Firebase realtime database events to the device. Without the reverse proxy, I’ve had to publish update events as well as Firebase updates in any web client I’ve written – not a great solution.

With the reverse proxy, you can stand it up somewhere (I used Heroku because it’s easy and free), configure it for your Firebase database app, then put up a Webhook to request database events as events. My use case is that I store configuration options on my Firebase database. Whenever my web client (or, in theory, any mobile client) updates the device configuration in Firebase, the changes immediately get pushed to my device.

… Also, it shouldn’t be too hard for me to rewrite this as a general SSE proxy.


That’s really cool, @jychuah.

I’ll have to try it on one of my projects.
