If i hover over the import for app_timer.h, i get the following messsage:
#include errors detected. Please update your includePath. Squiggles are disabled for this translation unit (pathtomyproject/RealTime_mtof/src/test.ino).C/C++(1696), however if I cmd+click i can browse to it and i can see it’s located in the toolchain folder.
Any idea? Anyone else have experience with wake on nfc on particle?
The Particle device OS does not expose all nRF functions the SDK provides (unless you build a monolothic binary locally).
But Paticle has - at least some - alternative means to achieve what the missing APIs would otherwise provide. You’d just need to see what the example app intends with these calls and what the alternatives are.
I see. I did not see anything on the particle nfc documentation that seems to provide out of the box option to use “wake on nfc”. Are you aware of anyone having gotten this to work on particle?