K … I am still a little lost. I thought that I read somewhere that the particle-cli has now been extended to support compile for library. Not to produce a flashable binary, but to verify that all the parts of the library compile correctly.
Isn’t that what is being talked about here? Compile library examples
Does this mean that I should set up the example as it’s own “project” with the library as a subdir within that project, and develop on that? From what I understand from here, that is a possible configuration: Documentation for libraries 2.0
I am only using VSCode because it is a good editor, and it had two huge features that are seemingly absent from Atom: 1) C language parsing for go-to-definition and go-to-declaration, and 2) it can be set up to run the compile task & parse the error output into the “problems” pane. I should probably make a post about that setup separately, for anyone else who wants to use it.
As for offline build with offline toolchain, yes that would be great, but I was having a devil of a time getting that to work on another project which I posted about separately.