EOL - Particle Cloud Connectivity Support for Photon v1 - is there an EOL where these v1 devices won't be able to connect to the cloud?

Is there an EOL where these Photon v1 devices won't be able to connect to the cloud? I searched and could not find anything published.

Can someone please help to provide this information with a published source?


There is no date when cloud support for the Photon and P1 will stop. At the absolute earliest, it could be March 31, 2025, which is the end of support date for the P0. However, that does not mean devices will stop connecting to the cloud at that point. The Spark Core can still connect to the cloud even though it no longer receives any software updates. Since there are a large number of Photon and P1 devices still in use in the field, there is no plan to remove cloud support for them at this time.


@rickkas7 Thanks for your response.

What I am hearing from your response is that these devices would still be able to connect to particle.io cloud but we will not be able to make firmware/code updates for these devices via particle.io cloud after March 31, 2025 (absolute earliest timeframe). Is that correct?

Thank you.

The device will be able to connect to the Particle cloud for the foreseeable future.

You should still be able to flash devices OTA as long as there is a working cloud connection.

There will be no Device OS updates to the 2.x release line used by the Photon and P1.


@rickkas7 Great, thanks for this update.

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